[Cuis-dev] [RFC] AsciArt for UnicodeInput

Gerald Klix cuis.01 at klix.ch
Mon Nov 6 10:55:44 PST 2023

Hi all, Hi Juan,

I found it a bit tedious to remember various Unicode codes points
to just input characters like ⧐, therefore I added a method
to input them conveniently.

With the attached change set, you type \.||> ("\." is the prefix
just like "\+" for numerical input) in any text editor,
this input will be replaced replaced by ⧐ after you enter a space.

*Question: Is this the way to go?*

The implementation is a bit crude
and needs to be refined if we add this concept to the core image.

Best Regards,


Current symbol mappings:

   "    ̈
   $$    $
   $B    ฿
   $C    ₵
   $E    €
   $L    ₺
   $N    ₪
   $NIS    ₪
   $P    £
   $R    ₹
   $W    ₩
   $Y    ¥
   ''    ́
   (C)    ©
   (TM)    ™
   **    ×
   +-    ±
   --    —
   -->    ⟶
   --|    ⊣
   -/->    ↛
   ->    →
   ->>    ↠
   ->|    ⇥
   -^^    ↟
   -|->    ⇸
   -||->    ⇻
   -[>    ⇾
   -__    ↡
   ...    …
   .;^    ⋰
   //    ÷
   0*    ⊛
   0+    ⊕
   0+>    ⟴
   0-    ⊖
   0.    ⊙
   0/    ⊘
   00    ∘
   0;    ⊝
   0=    ⊜
   0C    ℃
   0F    ℉
   0O    ∙
   0x    ⊗
   2->    ⇉
   2^    ⇈
   2_    ⇊
   3->    ⇛
   :-)    😀
   ;-)    😉
   ;;;    ⋯
   ;;>    ⇢
   ;;^    ⇡
   ;;_    ⇣
   <-    ←
   <--    ⟵
   <-->    ⟷
   <--|    ⟻
   <-/-    ↚
   <-<    ↢
   <->    ↔
   <-|    ↤
   <-|-    ⇷
   <-|->    ⇹
   <-||-    ⇺
   <-||->    ⇼
   <3-    ⇚
   <::    ⇠
   <<    «
   <<-    ↞
   <=    ⇐
   <==>    ⟺
   <==|    ⟽
   <=>    ⇔
   <=|    ⤆
   <|    ⊲
   <||    ⧏
   <~    ⇜
   <]-    ⇽
   <{    ⟨
   =/    ≠
   =<    ≤
   =>    ⇒
   >->    ↣
   ><<    ⧒
   >=    ≥
   >>    »
   >><    ⧑
   >><<    ⧓
   >^    ↑
   >_    ↓
   \/\_    ↯
   ^+    ⁺
   ^-    ⁻
   ^0    ⁰
   ^1    ¹
   ^2    ²
   ^3    ³
   ^4    ⁴
   ^5    ⁵
   ^6    ⁶
   ^7    ⁷
   ^8    ⁸
   ^9    ⁹
   ^;.    ⋱
   ^><<    ⧕
   ^|    ⌉
   ^i    ⁱ
   ^n    ⁿ
   ^o    °
   ^_    ↕
   |+    ⊧
   |-    ⊦
   |--    ⊢
   |-->    ⟼
   |->    ↦
   |<-    ⇤
   |==    ⊨
   |==>    ⟾
   |=>    ⤇
   |>    ⊳
   |^    ⌈
   |^>    ↥
   ||-    ⊩
   ||=    ⊫
   ||>    ⧐
   |||-    ⊪
   |]    ⟧
   |_    ⌊
   |_>    ↧
   |}    ⦄
   ~    ̃
   ~=    ≠
   ~>    ⇝
   ~~>    ⟿
   [+]    ⊞
   [.]    ⊡
   [|    ⟦
   [x]    ⊠
   _+    ₊
   _-    ₋
   _0    ₀
   _1    ₁
   _2    ₂
   _3    ₃
   _4    ₄
   _5    ₅
   _6    ₆
   _7    ₇
   _8    ₈
   _9    ₉
   _|    ⌋
   _h    ₕ
   _i    ᵢ
   _j    ⱼ
   _k    ₖ
   _l    ₗ
   _m    ₘ
   _n    ₙ
   _p    ₚ
   _r    ᵣ
   _s    ₛ
   _t    ₜ
   _u    ᵤ
   _v    ᵥ
   `    ̀
   {|    ⦃
   }>    ⟩' .
-------------- next part --------------
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