<div dir="ltr"><div>Hi Ken and all,</div><div>The last couple of weeks I've been having some personal problems, and this is occupying all my mind, I'm having a hard time focusing on anything else. So I wasn't able to continue working on namespaces, but I have this from a couple of weeks ago and I'd like to share it with you.</div><div><br></div><div>This follows Goran's work, and it is an alternative to the idea of implementing namespaces as concrete dictionaries. The idea is to include the namespace of a class (or other variable in the Smalltalk dictionary) as part of the class name (the key in the corresponding Association in the Smalltalk dictionary). For example, the class Elephant in namespace Animals would be named #'Animals.Elephant'. And the namespace Animals is a global in the Smalltalk dictionary, an instance of Namespace, not a concrete dictionary but a virtual dictionary. When you do something like 'Animals at: #Elephant' the namespace Animals actually returns 'Smalltalk at: #'Animals.Elephant'. And the bindings lookup when compiling code is slightly modified so that methods of a class Lion in the Animals namespace can refer to the class Animals.Elephant directly as Elephant.<br></div><div><br></div><div>One advantage of this approach is that it doesn't require many changes to the base system. The biggest change was in Scanner in order to allow the use of periods in class names, and Shout requires some fixes related to this too. It might be nice also to change the Browser to show short class names, or perhaps make an alternative Browser for that, not sure. In debuggers and inspectors I find it useful to see the fully qualified class name like Animals.Elephant. Another change that might be necessary in the base system is in RenameClass and RenameGlobal refactorings, because it might be wise to avoid moving classes and globals from a namespace to another one, at least through these refactorings.</div><div><br></div><div>Sending the message #isolate to a CodePackage moves all classes of the package to a namespace named as the package. For example, I tested this with my Domains package doing this:</div><div>Â (CodePackage installedPackages at: 'Domains') isolate.</div><div>This moves all classes in the package to a Domains namespace (for example the class Graph is now named Domains.Graph).</div><div><br></div><div>Let me know what you think of this approach. Ken, this could be a way to provide the same functionality as PackageEnvironments but with less changes to the base system and less complexity. I don't want to step on your toes, tho, and I'm not opposed to your approach with Environment... I'm just providing extra information and code that might be useful for implementing these things.<br></div><div><br></div></div>