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<font size="4"><font face="monospace">Hi guys,<br>
I am considering the possibility of delivering an application<br>
I am closing these days in the BeagleBone Black / BeagleBone AI
in Cuis-Smalltalk.<br>
The application is already written in Python + Node it would<br>
be mostly a translation effort.<br>
It would be a major advantage If could hide the code from
unwelcome eyes (the competence).<br>
My classes, specific for the application, should be by default
visible only<br>
byte compiled. <br>
I discovered a few days ago the possibility of seeing the
of a method doing : "Inspect compiled method" so I started to
ask <br>
myself. Does Cuis need only the compiled method to run? Is it<br>
necessary to have also the source code in place ?<br>
Ideally It would be great if I could keep also the classes
source code into<br>
the BBB, but encrypted. In such a way that, if the customer
needs <br>
a modification, I log in remotely, decrypt the source, make the
changes and leave there again only the byte code.<br>
Just guessing. It could be that my classes are subclasses of
EncrypedClass which<br>
by default shows only mangled sourcecode in the Browser, unless
the programmer<br>
provides a deciphering password. <br>
Let me know what you think. If this is possible it would be <br>
extremely interesting. If you think is very complex to achieve I
put it <br>
in the desiderata list, procrastinate, and keep it mind for the