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Hi Hilaire,<br>
On 8/17/2022 11:49 AM, Hilaire Fernandes via Cuis-dev wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:1f051a0f-a780-5da3-cbb8-775de373f4fc@free.fr"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<p><font size="4">Hi Juan,</font></p>
<p><font size="4">At first I got a DNU when executing this
snippet, but now ok. Whatever.<br>
<p><font size="4">In a freshly updated Cuis image, installed with
DrGeo code, in developer set, I can execute this code now:<br>
<p><font size="4"><b>Smalltalk at: #LogStartupDebugAids put: true</b></font></p>
<p><font size="4">When I save the image without quitting, the
mouse cursor turns to the writing cursor, image stalled, no
output on the console from where was started the VM<br>
If I try to do the same in a bare Cuis, it works OK. I guess that
whatever is creating problems also runs when you save the image.<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:1f051a0f-a780-5da3-cbb8-775de373f4fc@free.fr"
<p><font size="4"> </font></p>
<p>I also test with my bundle build procedure where I also turn on
this log startup flag. At the end the image is automatically
saved and quit. There is no issue.</p>
<p>When the bundle is started, DrGeo hangs, console reports:</p>
<p>2022-08-17T16:35:16.171 process:79 926479 To #openSourceFiles<br>
2022-08-17T16:35:16.174 process:79 926479 To
2022-08-17T16:35:16.184 process:79 926479 To #doStartUp:<br>
<p>When I run the image with the VM -tracestores option, I have
more details:</p>
<p>2022-08-17T16:44:09.937 process:79 926479 To #openSourceFiles<br>
2022-08-17T16:44:09.940 process:79 926479 To
2022-08-17T16:44:09.950 process:79 926479 To #doStartUp:<br>
Delay class(Behavior)>startUp:<br>
DisplayScreen class(Behavior)>startUp:<br>
Cursor class(Behavior)>startUp:<br>
InputSensor class(Behavior)>startUp:<br>
ProcessorScheduler class(Behavior)>startUp:<br>
WeakArray class(Behavior)>startUp:<br>
Locale class>startUp:<br>
NaturalLanguageTranslator class>startUp:<br>
DrGeoSystem class(Behavior)>startUp:<br>
I'd dig deeper here: DrGeoSystem class>>#startUp:<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:1f051a0f-a780-5da3-cbb8-775de373f4fc@free.fr"
<p> SmallFloat64>/<br>
<p>All in all, -tracestores gives complementary information to
your changeset. But it is still too little information.</p>
btw, I have no clue what -tracestores is about. Any docs?<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:1f051a0f-a780-5da3-cbb8-775de373f4fc@free.fr"
<p>I have an issue in my startup sequence, I think there is a
weakness somewhere in the font handling. It is possible my
startup sequence execute unproperly with a wrong path name to
font or/and a wrong font name. I have observed Cuis does not
like that kind of things.<br>
<p>Oh, if I don't kill quickly the stalled image, it also eat up
all the 24 GB of my workstation, forcing me to hard reset it.<br>
What happens if you postpone the setup / startup of DrGeo to until
the GUI is ready? For example, instead of running stuff, throwing
the Smalltalk expressions to the Transcript, and evaluating them by
hand once the system has started. Maybe that helps?<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:1f051a0f-a780-5da3-cbb8-775de373f4fc@free.fr"
<p> </p>
I think it is clear that there is some problem in the DrGeo startup
sequence. By seeing senders of #logStartupDebugAid: you can see that
you can do "Smalltalk logStartupDebugAid: myStuff" anywhere in your
startup sequence to find what is the last thing that runs correctly.
You can also dump any parameters or stuff that might help you
understand the problem. This is traditional "debug with print
Or, if you want, I can try to debug it myself. But I need a complete
set of files and instructions to be able to do exactly what you are
doing, and get exactly the same results. I'd need to do the build of
DrGeo myself.<br>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
Juan Vuletich