[Cuis-dev] Poll: ? instead of is: ?

Andres Valloud ten at smallinteger.com
Tue Aug 6 14:55:16 PDT 2019

If one is willing to implement #is: and friends so that one can write

	(x is: #Blah) ifTrue: [x doSomething]

then why not just write the following?

	x doSomethingIfBlah

It's essentially the same number of methods, and if too many of those 
start accumulating in Object then you know there's a design problem that 
should be fixed rather than accommodated.

Also, it's way faster because now there are fewer message sends, and the 
code is delegating the class / protocol checks to the VM (which was 
there to provide that functionality in the first place).

On 8/6/19 14:08, Phil B wrote:
> I've always seen the value as being two-fold:
> 1) To avoid needing to implement N #is* methods on Object (and there's a 
> lot more of this out there than just what the base image implements and 
> uses)
> 2) As a mechanism to test for *protocol* compliance rather than *class* 
> membership of an object.  One may or may not agree with this 
> interpretation, but lacking a definition that said otherwise,  I decided 
> it meant this as well 😀
> While implementations in the base image tend to have a 1:1 relationship 
> with a particular class, it is not required.  For example, I have a 
> number of classes that return true for #is: which aren't actually 
> subclasses of the thing they return true for but do behave as if they 
> were.  I don't care so much if a given object isKindOf: Morph, but 
> rather if it behaves as one.
> There was a time when I tried to make the second use case more explicit 
> but there didn't seem to be a interest from others.  So I may be the 
> only person who makes use of the second use case today.  If so and 1 
> isn't seen as a worthwhile reason to stick with this approach, I can do 
> this another way.
> On Tue, Aug 6, 2019, 3:21 PM Andres Valloud via Cuis-dev 
> <cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st <mailto:cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st>> wrote:
>     So it looks like the #is: methods are there to implement the
>     functionality of #isXYZ messages with half the methods, which in turn
>     are there presumably to avoid having to send class or #isKindOf:.  But
>     one way or another, they are still class checks done in the language,
>     when the system already provides fast and invisible class checking in
>     every message send.
>     In an old Cuis image that I have handy right now, there are 30
>     implementors of #is:.  There are 120 senders, but (essentially) 30 of
>     those are the implementors just mentioned.  So, 90 senders for 30
>     methods, a use factor of 3.  A brief look suggests a histogram, which
>     yields the following arguments for #is: (excluding the implementors
>     themselves).
>     #(#Text #Color #Morph #Morph #Text #Morph #Form #Text #Morph #Form
>     #Text
>     #Text #Text #Form #Morph #Text #PluggableButtonMorph #CompiledMethod
>     #Morph #Color #Color #ColorForm #CompiledMethod #Stream #Text #Stream
>     #Morph #DateAndTime #DateAndTime #DateAndTime #DateAndTime #DateAndTime
>     #Text #Array #HandMorph #InnerTextMorph #InnerTextMorph #SystemWindow
>     #SystemWindow #HandMorph #MessageSend #Color #Text #ScrollPane
>     #CompiledMethod #Text #HandMorph #MenuItemMorph #MenuItemMorph
>     #MenuItemMorph #MenuItemMorph #UpdatingMenuItemMorph
>     #UpdatingMenuItemMorph #LayoutMorph #HandMorph #CompiledMethod #Stream
>     #Stream #Text #HandMorph #SystemWindow #HandMorph #MorphicEvent #Morph
>     #HaloMorph #Stream #Text #Text #HaloMorph #SystemWindow #Taskbar
>     #SystemWindow #SystemWindow #MessageSend #refusingToAccept #Text
>     #Rectangle #Rectangle #Rectangle #Rectangle #Rectangle #Text
>     #hasTextProvider #hasTextProvider #Stream #Text #Text #Text
>     #CompiledMethod #SystemWindow #SystemWindow #PluggableListMorph
>     #SystemWindow #SystemWindow #Taskbar #Text #Morph #Text #Text #Text
>     #DateAndTime #DateAndTime #DateAndTime #DateAndTime #DateAndTime
>     #UpdatingMenuItemMorph #ColorForm #MessageSend #MessageSend #Morph
>     #Morph)
>     As a set, this collection has a size of 25 (so already this suggests
>     dead code is present).  Further, as an actual histogram, we see this:
>     #Text -> 23
>     #Morph -> 11
>     #DateAndTime -> 10
>     #SystemWindow -> 10
>     #Stream -> 6
>     #HandMorph -> 6
>     #Rectangle -> 5
>     #CompiledMethod -> 5
>     #MessageSend -> 4
>     #Color -> 4
>     #MenuItemMorph -> 4
>     #UpdatingMenuItemMorph -> 3
>     #Form -> 3
>     #hasTextProvider -> 2
>     #HaloMorph -> 2
>     #Taskbar -> 2
>     #ColorForm -> 2
>     #InnerTextMorph -> 2
>     #PluggableButtonMorph -> 1
>     #LayoutMorph -> 1
>     #Array -> 1
>     #refusingToAccept -> 1
>     #PluggableListMorph -> 1
>     #ScrollPane -> 1
>     #MorphicEvent -> 1
>     which suggests there is something going on, design-wise, with the top
>     20% because together they account for much more than 50% of the usage.
>     So, even though as syntax I would find it just fine, I wonder if this
>     improvement is optimizing the highest priority problem.
>     What has been the evolution / usage of this feature over time?  Where
>     should it go from here?
>     On 8/6/19 04:54, Juan Vuletich via Cuis-dev wrote:
>      > Hi Folks,
>      >
>      > One thing I don't like about the #is: message is that being a
>     keyword,
>      > it usually requires parenthesis. Today I realized we can use #?
>     instead.
>      > So, we could write:
>      >
>      > aForm ? #GrayForm ifTrue: [ self doSomething ].
>      >
>      > instead of
>      >
>      > (aForm is: #GrayForm) ifTrue: [ self doSomething ].
>      >
>      > Do you like it? What do you prefer, #is: or #? ? Reasons for
>     adopting or
>      > not adopting it?
>      >
>      > Thanks,
>      >
>     -- 
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>     Cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st <mailto:Cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st>
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