[Cuis-dev] [ChangeSet] Re: Ctrl+backspace deletes forward instead of deleting previous word on Windows 10
Juan Vuletich
juan at jvuletich.org
Mon Jul 1 13:38:05 PDT 2019
On 6/25/2019 8:28 PM, Donald Johnson via Cuis-dev wrote:
> Hey list,
> So I recently got into Cuis, and I've noticed an oddity with the text
> editor on Windows 10. This doesn't happen on Linux. When I use
> ctrl+backspace, it triggers a keypress like I pressed ctrl+delete.
> I worked around the problem. Attached is the code I used to work
> around it, but it does also work on ctrl+delete that way (not an issue
> for me, but might be for someone else if used as a fix).
> I was wondering if this was a known issue, or maybe it's an issue with
> the Squeak VM? Looking for any insight since I'd like to chase it
> down.
> ~Donald Johnson
It looks like ctrl-backspace is reported incorrectly by the VM. Please
try with this fix.
Hernán, please review & integrate.
Juan Vuletich
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