[Cuis-dev] Regarding Ometa2

Philip Bernhart philip.bernhart at posteo.de
Fri Jul 5 13:51:15 PDT 2019

Hi Phil,

Phil B <pbpublist at gmail.com> writes:
>> Also why does OMeta2 sometimes cause an endless loop within the
>> image with showing an hourglass as cursor without being able
>> to quit that with ALT-. / CMD-. ?
> That's almost always due to a 'bad' parser specification.  In practice,
> it's usually a * or ? in your source code that results in zero occurrences,
> as a result the overall rule succeeds and then gets stuck in a recursive
> loop matching that same rule until you OOM.  An easy way to detect this
> type of problem (and not hang your image) is to load the OMeta2Extensions
> package and have your parser be a subclass of OMeta2Debug while you are
> developing.  Once everything is working, then change the parent class back
> to OMeta2 which should be otherwise transparent as far as your parser code
> is concerned.

I subclassed from OMeta2Debug and it still gets into that problem.

What besides that could be done on the side of Cuis to make such errors
escapeable? I naively think that this could improve general stability of

Thanks for your input.


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