[Cuis-dev] New changes to the changes model :-)

Hernan Wilkinson hernan.wilkinson at 10pines.com
Fri Nov 1 13:14:37 PDT 2019

 there was a problem with the previous way to customize the name of the
user changes file. These .cs fix that problem. Now it is only possible to
define the extension of the user changes file during the evaluation of a

 Also, attached are new tests of the changes model and tests I sent before
but are not integrated (I think you missed them Juan). Those new tests are
in different .cs



*Hernán WilkinsonAgile Software Development, Teaching & Coaching*
*Phone: +54-011*-4893-2057
*Twitter: @HernanWilkinson*
*site: http://www.10Pines.com <http://www.10pines.com/>*
Address: Alem 896, Floor 6, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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