[Cuis-dev] Fwd: Re: Feature>>require: [debugged]

ken.dickey at whidbey.com ken.dickey at whidbey.com
Wed Oct 2 07:54:32 PDT 2019

On 2019-10-01 19:01, Phil B wrote:

> I've tried this a few different ways and still no joy: 
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A00FPLgccTU

Thanks again for testing this!

However, I am still getting:

  could not satisfy FeatureRequirement(Bar 1.2 to *.*)

This is wierd!  I can't get things to break and you can't get them to 

There must be some differences.

I am starting with image Cuis5.0-3866.image, installing updates (to 
3892), filing in the 3893*.st.

Could you do me a favor to select the attached in a File List, select 
#code, and check that the FeatureRequirement code I have matches yours?  
A quick click on each method name should show "identical" in all cases.

I have tried this on 2 machines under Linux (amd64 and arm64).

I must be screwing up somewhere but have yet to find where.

Thanks again for helping!
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