[Cuis-dev] Fwd: Re: Feature>>require: [debugged]

Mariano Montone marianomontone at gmail.com
Wed Oct 2 08:44:10 PDT 2019

El 2/10/19 a las 11:54, ken.dickey--- via Cuis-dev escribió:
> Could you do me a favor to select the attached in a File List, select
> #code, and check that the FeatureRequirement code I have matches yours? 
> A quick click on each method name should show "identical" in all cases.
> I have tried this on 2 machines under Linux (amd64 and arm64).
> I must be screwing up somewhere but have yet to find where.
> Thanks again for helping!
> -KenD

I think one way to solve this could be to just push Ken's changes to
Cuis master branch, which is broken in any case regarding dependency
numbers. That would stop the change sets confusion, and this could be
tried by just using Changes..->Install new updates.



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