[Cuis-dev] Problems in class Number

Juan Vuletich juan at jvuletich.org
Tue Oct 8 04:11:08 PDT 2019

Hi Folks,

I agree with Andrés comments, and will just focusing on the proposed 

On 10/8/2019 2:20 AM, Andres Valloud via Cuis-dev wrote:
> Agustin, nice to see someone looking into these kinds of things :).
> ...
>>   * The *raisedToInteger: exp modulo: m *method**in Integer has a very
>>     big problem. If we compute, for example, /"5 raisedTo: 0 modulo:
>>     0"/, this returns 1. This means, that according to Smalltalk, the
>>     rest of the division by 0 of 1(=5^0) is equal to 1 (Yes, division by
>>     zero!!). I think you can see the problem. This is due the first line
>>     of the method, that says /"(exp = 0) ifTrue: [^ 1].", /does
>>     not check anything else. This problem can be easily fixed by
>>     checking if m=0 just before.
> I agree, the current code appears to be wrong.  The initials on the 
> code belong to Juan Vuletich and Nicolas Cellier.  Guys, is there 
> reason why e.g. 5 raisedTo: 0 modulo: 0 should answer 1 rather than 
> fail?  I don't see any, but...
> Assuming the code is broken and needs to be fixed, alternatively one 
> could also write the initial guard clause like this:
>     n = 0 ifTrue: [^1 \\ m].
> because the case m = 0 will fail.
> ...

Just added this suggestion as an update to GitHub. Andrés, I did it with 
your author initials, it's your code!

> ...
>>   * The *isPrime *method in Integer makes some optimization in order to
>>     run the algorithm in O(sqrt(self)) instead of the naive way in
>>     O(self). This is very intelligent, but the constant factor of this
>>     method can be still improved significantly. I share with you my
>>     implementation of *isPrimeFast *with a small explanation. This
>>     implementation runs in general more than 3 times faster than the
>>     actual one. I leave you a test that checks the correctness of it as
>>     well, and some other tests that check this complexity I mentioned.
> I see what you did there, but I do not know how to reproduce the time 
> tests you mention.  I built a sample of integers between 1 and 2^32 (I 
> didn't go up to 2^64 because that would require O(2^32) operations 
> each, and I want that to finish in reasonable time), and I get 
> something like a 2x performance improvement rather than 3x.  This 
> seems to make sense because the approach you propose halves the \\ 
> operations (8 remain out of the 16 the current code is doing, for 
> every batch of 30 potential divisors).
>     slicer := 1024.
>     thickness := 255.
>     maxK := 1 bitShift: 32.
>     integers := 1 to: maxK by: maxK // slicer
>         :: inject: OrderedCollection new
>         into: [:t :x |
>             t add: x.
>             thickness timesRepeat: [t add: t last + 1].
>             t yourself]
>         :: asArray.
>     Time millisecondsToRun:
>         [1 to: integers size do:
>             [:x | (integers at: x) isPrime]]
> Using the above code (which I could not format more nicely in this 
> email), I get about 4.8s for isPrime, and about 2.4s for isPrimeFast.
> Generally, isPrime shouldn't send isProbablyPrime because isPrime is 
> meant to be deterministic, and one shouldn't assume that the 
> probabilistic algorithm today will happen to provide the correct 
> deterministic answer tomorrow.
> Why is the (each+31) case first in the trial division loop?
> Andres.

I'll wait for your consensus on what to do here. Making isPrime not send 
isProbablyPrime sounds reasonable to me, but folks, I prefer to wait for 
your suggestion.


Juan Vuletich

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