[Cuis-dev] Something strange going on with package dependency version numbers

Juan Vuletich juan at jvuletich.org
Fri Oct 11 08:55:38 PDT 2019

On 10/10/2019 10:36 PM, Phil B via Cuis-dev wrote:
> Ugh/yay! It's not a new bug...  it's a fix exposing issues from the 
> old one.  I just found a package and dependent package having with a 
> version issue with file timestamps from early September so the new 
> code couldn't have caused that problem.  So when I'm rebuilding my 
> image with the latest updates applied, any existing package dependency 
> version issues that were previously being overlooked (and therefore I 
> wasn't aware of) are now being reported.  That's my story and I'm 
> sticking to it (for now... ;-)

I have seen other cases where it seems that some prerequisite is 
required with a revision number higher than what has actually been 
saved. The only way I found for this to happen is:

- Assume we have package A that requires package B. Both are loaded, 
with correctly declared version and requirement.
- You modify some code in package B. B is marked dirty, and the revision 
number is bumped by one. You don't save B.
- Use 'Installed Packages' tool. You select package A. On the 
requirements list (at the bottom) you select package B and click on 
[update] (bottom right button).
- The requirement of B in A is updated to the unsaved B revision number.
- Save A
- Exit without saving B

Next time, you try to load A, and it can't find the required version of B.

The attach forbids updating requirement of B if B is dirty (unsaved). 
Please take a look and see if it makes sense to you.

I also added, in case of failure, the description of the package with 
the unfulfilled requirement, and the package the user actually was 
trying to install.



Juan Vuletich

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