[Cuis-dev] Update: Alt+Return as a full screen toggle shortcut

ken.dickey at whidbey.com ken.dickey at whidbey.com
Sun Dec 20 15:39:00 PST 2020

On 2020-12-20 21:25, Mauro Rizzi wrote:

> shouldOverride := aMorph shouldOverride: self

I am suggesting that if the Morph processes the keystroke, it _has_ 
overriden and _does NOT need_ a #shouldOverride method.


sentTo: aMorph localPosition: positionInAMorph

	"Dispatch the receiver into anObject"

   type == #keystroke ifTrue: [
	self isFindClassShortcut
		ifTrue: [ ^ BrowserWindow findClass].
	self isCloseWindowShortcut
		ifTrue: [ ^ self closeCurrentWindowOf: aMorph ].
	^ aMorph processKeystroke: self
		 localPosition: positionInAMorph ].
   type == #keyDown ifTrue: [
		^ aMorph
			processKeyDown: self
			localPosition: positionInAMorph ].
   type == #keyUp ifTrue: [
		^ aMorph
			processKeyUp: self
			localPosition: positionInAMorph ].

    (self wasHandled)
         ifTrue: [^aMorph] "done"
         ifFalse: [<globaldefaultKeyHandler> handleKeyEvent: self]


Note: I am not an expert here.  Just a guess..

Prototype is best.

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