[Cuis-dev] Installed Packages Lists

ken.dickey at whidbey.com ken.dickey at whidbey.com
Thu Dec 31 13:45:43 PST 2020

On 2020-06-14 19:57, Juan Vuletich via Cuis-dev wrote:
> On 6/13/2020 9:04 PM, Dan Norton via Cuis-dev wrote:
>> When a few packages are installed and one of them is changed, but not
>> saved, the "Unsaved?" indicator indicates which. But when many are
>> installed, it is apparent that the Unsaved? list and the Package Name
>> list can be scrolled independently, losing sync.
>> To see this, load a bunch e.g. via:
>> Feature require: #CorePackages
>> then modify one e.g. TerseGuide.
>>   - Dan
> Yes. We need a MultiColumnListMorph. Any takers?

Greetings all,

Finally got to this (attached).

Simple solution with middle scroll pane controlling the others.

If people like this, I can do similar for ChangeSet browser.

Please play with this and check for breakage.

I am using "Feature require: 'Morph-MetaProperties'" but any 
requirements that bring in a bunch of packages should work for testing.

Happy Cuis New Year!

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