[Cuis-dev] Declaring Undeclared in Block with arguments fix

Eric Brandwein brandweineric at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 15:39:34 PST 2020

Hi all,

I noticed that there's still a bug with the automatic declaration of
undeclared variables. In this case it is when saving a method with a block
that has arguments but not temporaries. For example, if one tries to save
this method:

    [ :arg | temp := 2. ^arg + temp].

and selects "declare block-local temp" in the PopupMenu that appears, a
Debugger pops up, because the resulting code is missing the temporary
declaration pipes like so:

    [ :arg temp | temp := 2. ^arg + temp].

Attached is a fix for this, and the corresponding tests. I hope this is the
last bug with this.

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