[Cuis-dev] StrikeFont cleanup

Juan Vuletich juan at jvuletich.org
Thu Jun 11 06:53:51 PDT 2020

Hi Folks,

After a year of having decent TrueType font support in Cuis, I think it 
is time to consider StrikeFonts only as a default font. So, I want to 
start removing some StrikeFont stuff that is no longer needed. I want to 
remove the AdditionalFontData folder, and the possibility of installing 
additional StrikeFonts. I also want to rename the "DejaVu" StrikeFont as 
"DejaVu Bitmap".

The attachments do that, and also clean up quite a bit of cruft. After 
loading them in order, you can evaluate the expression in the Workspace, 
to rename the Bitmap fonts as such.

I don't expect much breakage. Please take a look, maybe try it, and 
share your thoughts.


Juan Vuletich

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