[Cuis-dev] Language constructs

Phil B pbpublist at gmail.com
Fri May 1 10:21:46 PDT 2020


On Fri, May 1, 2020 at 5:15 AM Erik Stel <erik.stel at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Phil,
> Thanks for explaining the history there. Helpful insight!
> What is your motivation for using backticks (or actually the ad hoc
> literal creation)? Is it performance?

Mostly performance, partially clarity.  Let's use your example of Set.
That's something I do quite a bit for various kinds of collections.  Why
have either a bunch of {1 2 3 4} asSet code constantly being
unnecessarily executed or creating a bunch of ivar/cvar storage slots with
helper methods to avoid it when I can just `{1 2 3 4} asSet` in the place I
need it?  So I use it pretty much anywhere I know, and can create, what I
need at compile time.  In using the backtick syntax, I'm making it clear
that there's no need for runtime dynamism here: I need a set and can/do
create it at compile time.  It's not a perfect solution: we essentially
have a language construct with no tool support or syntactic sugar.

I actually go a bit further than Juan did in that I'm also going back
through the image after my methods are compiled and ensuring things like
`0 at 0` are #== to each other.  This allows for a number of performance
optimizations (main reason) as well as reducing the image object count
(bonus reason).

> And I am intrigued by the ‘full macro system’ you envision(ed). Could you
> elaborate a bit on that? What would you have wanted? And what does it offer
> the current language (constructs) and tools don't offer?

Something I really like about Smalltalk is the uniformity of its objects
re: message sending.  Something I really dislike is it's absolute focus on
doing just about everything at runtime even when you know all or at least
part of what you need to at compile-time.  `` is useful when you know
*everything* at compile time, macros are for when you know *part* of it.  I
wouldn't want much, just what Lisp gives me in a an OO way ;-)

An example use case is wanting to define a Morph layout hierarchy, or some
other complex structure, at compile-time.  You know everything you need to
do, but you don't want to tediously type in all of the code to make it
happen or have to execute most of it at runtime.  While you can create a
bunch of helper methods to minimize the work, it's a sub-optimal solution.

Ideally, you'd just want to provide the details that vary, assemble
everything you can at compile time, and only do the last bit that needs to
be dynamic at runtime.  How this would likely look in practice is having
some strange looking quoting syntax, a whole bunch of intermediate literal
objects, and a strange looking final bit of code that executes at runtime
to stitch the pieces together.

> Squeak and Pharo compatibility are no concern here (for me). I was
> referring to it as explanation that backticks did not arrive (historically)
> in Cuis because of possible ancestors/nephews/… My earlier question about
> naming referred to Pharo because IF possible I would like to write code
> that does not require much ‘porting’. But keeping compatibility is again
> not a major concern for me.

Once you get move beyond a handful of core objects, you'll find that in
many areas, this gets geometrically harder as you add more functionality.
Just follow the recent conversations re: Hilaire's porting of Dr. Geo.
There are a lot of subtle and not-so-subtle differences in class and method
names to just flat-out conceptual differences in approach of what's in the
Cuis/Squeak/Pharo images today.  They continue to diverge over time.  We're
essentially three distinct groups of people living on three different
islands.  Sure, from time to time we'll visit each other's island and steal
some ideas, but we're all operating independently aside from running on a
common VM.

> I’m in the proces of building a learning environment for kids based on
> Smalltalk. So I would prefer a Smalltalk-implementation that is very
> 'simple', lean and mean (and therefore Cuis seems a good candidate). Maybe
> it is difficult to have a single language that fulfils both a role for
> learning as well as a role for skilled and experienced developers that want
> a high efficiency in/during coding. Because the idea behind Smalltalk is to
> learn from the system itself, having more language constructions is
> ‘unwanted’ because more has to be learned. I wonder whether the tool
> support could help here. What if the CodeEditor would allow for quickly
> creating things like the Array (or Set) construction and have a pleasing
> way of displaying this for reading, while still being very clear in that it
> is actually a regular Array (or Set) construction? As you might understand
> from this rambling I’m still searching for some answers how I want to do
> things.

Opinions vary on this.  Most seem hell-bent on using Smalltalk syntax for
everything and doing it all at runtime.  I'm in the camp that says that
doesn't scale and that DSLs (including new syntax and doing things at
compile-time as needed) are a better way.

> Thx for taking time to explain!
> Regards,
> Erik
> On 1 May 2020, at 10:19, Phil B <pbpublist at gmail.com> wrote:
> Erik,
> On Fri, May 1, 2020 at 3:46 AM Erik Stel via Cuis-dev <
> cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st> wrote:
>> Maybe I wasn’t clear (because it was part of another topic, see below) or
>> tread on a sensitive subject, but I’m still eager to hear the reasoning for
>> having backticks (which are not in Squeak nor Pharo) from the simplicity
>> point of view. Would anyone care to elaborate?
> Years ago I noticed that we had a lot of pointless dynamism in the image
> especially since moving to local coordinates (i.e. we had 0 at 0 all over
> the image.)  In an attempt to *not* extend the language,  I proposed Point
> class>>zero for effectively a singleton 0 at 0 instance.  Juan surprised me
> and effectively said 'I don't like that, let's go this way instead' (i.e.
> backticks).  It was a pretty elegant and minimal solution so I didn't have
> a problem with it at the time and it has definitely grown on me.  While
> addressing 0 at 0 was the initial motivation, it is useful anywhere you want
> to create ad hoc literals.  I use it a ton and only wish we went a little
> further and had a full macro system in Smalltalk ;-)
> As far as compatibility with Squeak and Pharo... well that's extremely
> problematic IMO.  Pharo changes things all the time (and not always for the
> better) seemingly based on the weather.  So any attempt to keep in sync
> with it would mean breaking Cuis whether or not we thought the change was a
> good idea.  Squeak has the opposite problem: it doesn't change much at
> all.  To some, this is an asset, to me it's a liability: I don't mind
> working with an obscure/fringe language, I do mind working with a dead
> language.  To me, Smalltalk-80 was great 40 years ago but should not be the
> final stop in language evolution.
> I am also eager to know what others think about language constructs such
>> as #(), {} and `` for daily usage. And I mean this in the sense ‘Do you use
>> these often? Could you live without them?’. I do understand how they can be
>> used and what their meaning is ;-). And I can also lookup their current use
>> in the default image, but that does not answer how you/we use them in our
>> (application) code.
> I tend to use {} more than #(), but I do use both of those as well.  My
> only gripe is that all of the damned brackets have been used up by
> Smalltalk (as most other languages do as well)... I really would have liked
> to have at least one set of brackets that were available for 'user-defined'
> purposes but, oh well.
>> Kind regards,
>> Erik
> Thanks,
> Phil
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