[Cuis-dev] Replacing FillInTheBlankMorph

Luciano Notarfrancesco luchiano at gmail.com
Wed May 20 04:00:17 PDT 2020

This change set replaces FillInTheBlankMorph with a new StringRequestMorph,
and fixes the great majority of uses in the image to be not modal. It was
tedious work, and sadly there were a few methods that I couldn't fix, so I
included messages #request:initialAnswer: and
#request:initialAnswer:orCancel: that do the modal thing... if people agree
we could consider them deprecated and try to fix the few senders and delete

Let me know what you think. And help me test it, please. Some of the
changes are not completely trivial, for example I had to rewrite some code
in order to avoid doing ^self in the handler block.

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