[Cuis-dev] [ChangeSet] Fixes and enhancements to inspectors

Hernan Wilkinson hernan.wilkinson at 10pines.com
Sun May 24 14:01:42 PDT 2020

Hi guys,
 nice work! thank you for making Cuis better every day.
 I took a quick look at the code and I have some questions:
1) Why Inspector implements messages like #object: anObject basicAt: index
and the ones in that category?
2) Object basicInspect does not use the basic inspector anymore... why is
that? The idea is to get rid off the BasicInspector?

 I found a problem using the autocomplete in the inspector's workspace
panel because the message #object was removed from Inspector. I'm not sure
what's the idea behind removing that message but adding it agin made the
autocomplete work.

 The Dictionary and Set inspector do not handle correctly the remove/remove
key/rename key when they are empty, but I just verified that that error
existed before.

 I hope this helps.


On Sun, May 24, 2020 at 4:40 PM ken.dickey--- via Cuis-dev <
cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st> wrote:

> On 2020-05-24 14:44, Andres Valloud via Cuis-dev wrote:
> > Hi Ken, I can see the uncommenting of the code in fileSize... just to
> > make sure, are you implying that this change is related to the
> > inspector work?  I do not immediately see how that would be.
> No idea really.  I just updated, loaded the changesets and use of the
> FileList brought up the debugger.
> Guilt by association?
> > On 5/24/20 07:33, ken.dickey--- via Cuis-dev wrote:
> >> On 2020-05-24 12:32, Juan Vuletich via Cuis-dev wrote:
> >>> On 5/22/2020 8:08 PM, Juan Vuletich via Cuis-dev wrote:
> >>>> Hi Folks,
> >>>>
> >>>> Andrés Valloud and I found a couple of bugs and inconsistencies in
> >>>> the Inspector hierarchy. If you don't mind crashing your image you
> >>>> might try `(1 to: 2000) asFloat64Array`, or inspecting an
> >>>> OrderedCollection with an object that fails in #printOn:, and cycle
> >>>> the collection with the arrow keys.
> >>>>
> >>>> We did quite some refactor and cleanup. The result is attached.
> >>>> Please take a look.
> >>
> >> FileEntry>>fileSize came up nil in FileList.  Lost cache update line
> >> (attached).
> >>
> >> FYI,
> >> -KenD
> >>
> --
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> Cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st
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*Hernán WilkinsonAgile Software Development, Teaching & Coaching*
*Phone: +54-011*-4893-2057
*Twitter: @HernanWilkinson*
*site: http://www.10Pines.com <http://www.10pines.com/>*
Address: Alem 896, Floor 6, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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