[Cuis-dev] FileOutRework and personal introduction.

Mauro Rizzi mrizzi at fi.uba.ar
Tue Nov 24 06:16:04 PST 2020

Hello Juan,

I found some time and made the changeset with your recommendations.

I would like to add that the code still is a WIP and requires some work but
the expected behaviour is there if you want to test how it feels!

Kind regards,
*Mauro Rizzi*

El mar, 24 nov 2020 a las 10:29, Mauro Rizzi (<mrizzi at fi.uba.ar>) escribió:

> Hi Juan,
> In that case I would have to replace the regular fileOut subMenu option to
> use the current fileOutTo implementation, I could make sure to  only add
> the necessary methods for fileOutTo to work so that the only direct change
> to the base code is the change on the message that the submenu uses for
> fileOut.
> I do feel having to use the fileOutTo option at all times takes away a bit
> of the ease of use fileOutRework was intending to implement, since the
> destination confirmation dialogue box doesn't autofocus itself when
> created, so as a user you'd still have to mouse over it or click on it
> (depending your focus mode) to be able to press enter and confirm the
> fileOut (even if you had no intention to pick a new destination).
> The point of fileOutRework was to remove all the nuance in fileOut heavy
> workflows.
> But I could easily make the changeset file that only does what you
> recommend and keep the fileOutRework package as my own project not intended
> to be in the base image.
> I would like to have more opinions on the matter before moving on however.
> Kind regards,
> *Mauro Rizzi*
> El mar, 24 nov 2020 a las 10:01, Juan Vuletich (<juan at jvuletich.org>)
> escribió:
>> Hi Mauro,
>> Let me go back a little bit. If you want to keep your code as an optional
>> add on, I think it is quite good. The only thing I'd perhaps change is to
>> avoid redefinition of existing methods as much as possible, because these
>> are fragile, and will break if the code in the base image changes.
>> But if you want your contribution to be part of the base image (this is
>> reasonable, we want Cuis to be comfortable for users!), then keep in mind
>> that Cuis tries to be minimalist. We include all that is worth its own
>> weight, in terms of class and method count, lines of code, etc. This keeps
>> Cuis being a system that is easy to adapt and evolve. In this light, having
>> several menu options for essentially the same thing is what I called "a bit
>> too much". I'd rather prefer a single option on each menu, that suggests
>> the destination folder, and allows modifying it, and remembers it for next
>> time.
>> Additionally, for code to become part of Cuis base image, we need to save
>> it in .cs.st changeset files, instead of a .pck.st package file.
>> Thanks,
>> On 11/23/2020 8:17 PM, Mauro Rizzi via Cuis-dev wrote:
>> Hello Juan,
>> The fileOutTo submenu option does exactly what you suggest.
>> If you never use the fileOutTo option fileOut has the same behaviour as
>> the base image fileOut since the default fileOut location for my setup is
>> smalltalkImageDirectory (The same used for the original fileOut).
>> My idea was that as a user you would do fileOutTo to the folder you're
>> currently working on, use fileOut normally in that folder until you need to
>> work on a different folder and then you'd do fileOutTo to that new folder
>> and continue on from there.
>> However, if you think it's better to have the option to file out to the
>> image directory with a single button on the context menus I could change
>> the package so it keeps the original fileOut option and adds fileOut to
>> work directory and fileOut to new work directory as new options (So there
>> would be 3 fileOut options, the current smalltalk implementation,
>> fileOutToWorkDirectory and fileOutToNewDestination).
>> Of course I would also add the corresponding methods across the system so
>> the fileOut method has the old implementation and my current fileOut
>> reimplementation would be renamed to fileOutToWorkDirectory.
>> However i'm not sure if you wanted the current fileOutTo implementation
>> and missed the option or if you want to have the regular fileOut option
>> stay on the menu. I'd love to get further feedback on why you feel the
>> current implementation sounds a bit too much for you (So I can improve it!).
>> Kind regards.
>> *Mauro Rizzi*
>> El lun, 23 nov 2020 a las 17:33, Juan Vuletich (<juan at jvuletich.org>)
>> escribió:
>>> On 11/18/2020 12:44 PM, Mauro Rizzi via Cuis-dev wrote:
>>> Hello everybody!
>>> My name is Mauro Rizzi and i'm currently studying Computer Engineering
>>> in the Engineering Faculty of the University of Buenos Aires.
>>> We're using cuisUniversity as an environment for one of our classes and
>>> I found current fileOut implementations to be counter productive to a good
>>> git workflow. The current idea of having fileOut always fileOut to image
>>> path means you either have to have your repository on your image folder or
>>> you have to manually move the file to your local repository folder.
>>> This is not conductive to making frequent commits but rather it results
>>> in us just doing a single giant commit at the end of the session.
>>> Because of this I set out to make a package that would streamline the
>>> user experience allowing for cuis to remember the last destination you
>>> filed out to and adding the option for the user to directly specify a new
>>> destination.
>>> You can find the package in my FileOutRework repository.
>>> <https://github.com/Mauro-Rizzi/FileOutRework>
>>> I've just started with this rework but I was encouraged by my teacher to
>>> share it with you, so far I've only implemented this behaviour for the
>>> Category list context submenus for the System browser.
>>> I'm open to any comments, criticisms or requests for collaboration.
>>> Hope you all have a nice week!
>>> Kind regards.
>>> *Mauro Rizzi*
>>> Hi Mauro,
>>> I agree that doing file out always an arbitrary tacit directory might be
>>> uncomfortable. Still, duplicating the file out menu options sounds s bit
>>> too much to me. Would a reasonable alternative be to include dialog with
>>> the full path+name in an edit box? The edited path could be remembered for
>>> suggesting it next time.
>>> Thanks,
>>> --
>>> Juan Vuletichwww.cuis-smalltalk.orghttps://github.com/Cuis-Smalltalk/Cuis-Smalltalk-Devhttps://github.com/jvuletichhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/juan-vuletich-75611b3
>>> @JuanVuletich
>> --
>> Juan Vuletichwww.cuis-smalltalk.orghttps://github.com/Cuis-Smalltalk/Cuis-Smalltalk-Devhttps://github.com/jvuletichhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/juan-vuletich-75611b3
>> @JuanVuletich
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