[Cuis-dev] CoreUpdate 4548

Graham Kelly gkgoat6700 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 4 05:50:44 PDT 2021

Here's what I think is the issue:

The variable


is not initialized before returning


| halo |

	self whenUIinSafeState: [

	self displayBoundsForHalo ifNotNil: [ :r |

	halo _ HaloMorph new.

	halo popUpFor: self event: evt.

	halo morphBounds: r ].

	self redrawNeeded].


My GPL-Licensed solution,


On 4/3/21 11:37 AM, Pat Foley via Cuis-dev wrote:
> This changeset somehow breaks halos on menus. ("Somehow", a word that
> means here: "I don't understand how.")
> You can bring up halos on a menu, but you cannot click on them. You do
> not get balloon-help for them. You cannot middle-click again to select submorphs.
> ((Would rather have submitted a fix myself, but it's way beyond me for now.))
> Pat
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