[Cuis-dev] SUnit tests for SVG ?

Juan Vuletich juan at jvuletich.org
Tue Apr 13 11:51:39 PDT 2021

Hi David,

On 4/13/2021 3:32 PM, stes--- via Cuis-dev wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to run some tests on the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics).
> The SVG graphics look very nice and I was thinking to run some automated tests.
> If I open ->  SUnit Test Runner this is at first empty.

Yes. The base image includes the SUnit framework, but all actual tests 
are in packages.

> I can file in Packages ->  Core Packages and this files-in a lot (all?) tests under SUnit Test Runner.
> Is it sufficient to file in the SVG.pkg.st for any SVG tests please ?

The SVG package doesn't include any test at all. The repo, however 
includes several SVG files in the ./SVGSamples folder. Turning some of 
them into tests, making a 'Tests-SVG.pck.st' package would be a nice 

> What's a good set of tests to run on Cuis ?

'BaseImageTests' includes tests for the base image. Many packages come 
in pairs, for examples 'WebClient' and 'Tests-WebClient'. A few include 
tests in the main package. If you do "Feature require: 'AllPackages' " 
you'll load a lot of tests.

> Thanks,
> David Stes

HTH. Cheers,

Juan Vuletich

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