[Cuis-dev] How do I save code changes into CuisCore ?

ken.dickey at whidbey.com ken.dickey at whidbey.com
Sun Aug 1 14:00:23 PDT 2021

On 2021-08-01 09:59, Nicola Mingotti via Cuis-dev wrote:

> But now I need to save some changes into what the ChangeSorter calls 
> "CuisCore".
> How do I do that ?

Two ways:
   [A] Post it here and convince everyone (i.e. Juan) that this is best 
for Cuis
   [B] Do it in a package, but do it safely.

This last bit is a useful thing to know about in any case.

You can subclass CodePackage and add a class method #prePackageInstall 
(there is also a #postPackageInstall). There you can check that you are 
overriding a base system method which has not been changed.

https://github.com/Cuis-Smalltalk/Morphic/Morphic-Misc1 does this.

In the Morphic-Misc1 Package, there is a class #MorphicMisc1Package 
which is a subclass of CodePackage.

MorphicMisc1Package class >> prePackageInstall

"Check that any method in base image that I wish to override has not 
"Morph>>changeColor  Last updated   2013-03-05T13:29:00+00:00 @@"

    self assert:
	(Morph methodDictionary at: #changeColor) dateAndTime =
			year: 2013
			month: 3
			day: 5
			hour: 13
			minute: 29
			second: 0).

The Morphic-Misc1 Package has added a method to the Morph class in 
method category #'*morphic-misc1' in the same way as adding a 
non-override method to a base class.  In this case, the overridden 
method #Morph>>changeColor.

This means that when the Morphic-Misc1 Package is saved via the Package 
Browser, the overridden method #Morph>>changeColor is saved into the 
Morphic-Misc1 Package along with other base-added methods in method 
category #'*morphic-misc1'.

So now, when you "Feature require: #'Morphic-Misc1'.", the assert is 
checked _before_ the package code is loaded, and the assert fails if the 
base class method was changed.  You really want to be sure you are only 
overriding what you know about, right?  The assert fails _before_  
#Morph>>changeColor has been overridden, so no damage has been done to 

If the assert succeeds, the package is loaded and Morph>>changeColor is 
now overridden.  If it fails, people complain until you check that you 
are still doing the right thing and update the timestamp.

Another way you can do this is to put up a popup question to let the 
user decide, see next.

I have a (very large) mess of code in 
https://github.com/KenDickey/BeeYourself which has a PowerLang Package.  
The salient bit of chunkified file source is below, but I don't think 
you will have a problem reading it.

!classDefinition: #PowerLangPackage category: #'Powerlang-Core'!
CodePackage subclass: #PowerLangPackage
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Powerlang-Core'!
!classDefinition: 'PowerLangPackage class' category: #'Powerlang-Core'!
PowerLangPackage class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!PowerLangPackage class methodsFor: 'installing' stamp: 'KenD 6/7/2021 

	"We override SystemDictionary>>globals.
	Let the user OK or bring up debugger.."

	self assert: (PopUpMenu confirm:
			'PowerLang overrides SystemDictionary>>globals; Yes->OK | 

	"We may have been loaded before.  If not, capture COPY of
	Smalltalk SystemDictionary initial bindings."
	(Smalltalk includesKey: #globals)
		ifFalse: [ Smalltalk at: #globals put: Smalltalk copy ].
	"Might have nil globals; just in case.."
	(Smalltalk at: #globals)
		ifNil: [ Smalltalk at: #globals put: Smalltalk copy ].
! !

!PowerLangPackage class methodsFor: 'installing' stamp: 'KenD 6/7/2021 

	self inform: 'PowerLang is PRE-alpha. Expect breakage'! !



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