[Cuis-dev] Proposal. make Utils setAuthor scriptable

Nicola Mingotti nmingotti at gmail.com
Thu Aug 5 01:21:27 PDT 2021

Hi Gerald,

Oh, cool, I did not know about 'classPool' , that goes into my notes ;)
Thank you !

I noticed your Cy-d-Fect, by heart, that is the AlissaHacker and 
LouisReasoner brother ;)
One of the greatest technical book I red, about 20y ago.

Can you give me a very short description of what Haver does ?
I see it is related to modules, as used in Python . I see it is an 
extension to Cuis, not a fork.
What problem does it solve ? [ feel free to compare to Python, i am 
familiar with it]
I can't dive into it right now, but just to know what can be done ;)


On 8/5/21 8:41 AM, Gerald Klix wrote:
> Yeah that would be nice.
> In the meanwhile you can hack around that missing method this way:
> --- snip ---
>     Utilities classPool
>         at: #AuthorName  put: 'Gerald Klix (Haver)';
>         at: #AuthorInitials put: 'KLG'.
> --- snap ---
> Taken from:
> https://hg.sr.ht/~cy-de-fect/HaverOnCuis/browse/haver/Haverize.pck.st?rev=tip#L77 
> HTH and Best Regards,
> Gerald
> On 8/5/21 12:03 AM, Nicola Mingotti via Cuis-dev wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to set my initials and user name from
>> the script .st file at image boot.
>> As far as I can say, these values are stored into Utils
>> class variables and the only way to set them is using 'setAuthor'
>> which require graphical interaction.
>> Is there another way to set them ?
>> If not, I propose you to implement a method 'setAuthorName: aString 
>> initials: aString'.
>> Let me know what you think.
>> Bye
>> Nicola

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