[Cuis-dev] AssertionFailure in prePackageInstall of package Morphic-Misc1

Bernhard Pieber bernhard at pieber.com
Wed Dec 22 02:33:52 PST 2021

Hi everyone,

I encountered an error when trying to install all packages:
Feature require: 'AllPackages‘.

To reproduce in a new image do the following:
ChangeSet installNewUpdates.

Feature require: 'Morphic-Misc1‘.

This results in a debugger in MorphicMisc1Package class>> prePackageInstall.

The reason is that Morph>>#changeColor does not have a timestamp currently. Apparently it used to have one. Otherwise the package could never have been loaded.

How could the timestamp be lost? Is there a way to find out in which change set this happened?

According to the method comment the method #changeColor seems to be deprecated. Probably it should not be overridden anymore in Morphic-Misc1.


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