[Cuis-dev] Properly Installing Updates

ken.dickey at whidbey.com ken.dickey at whidbey.com
Wed Dec 22 07:28:19 PST 2021

On 2021-12-22 07:11, Rafael Ignacio Matías Sniechowski via Cuis-dev 

> Which is the proper way to install core updates to the Cuis image.

In a shell (I use Linux):

In the Cuis base image:
   World Menu --> Changes.. --> Install New Updates

At this time I usually save the image renamed to

Then I have a soft link
   rm Dev.image
   ln -s Dev-<revision#>.image Dev.image

And I have a script called "cuis" (attached). Basically:
   squeak $CUIS/Dev.image &

Hey, I am lazy.  This is about as lazy as I can make it without working 
on it.

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