[Cuis-dev] [BUG] --- renaming classes renames class variables

Hernan Wilkinson hernan.wilkinson at 10pines.com
Thu Dec 30 10:16:23 PST 2021

wow! Nice catch!
I'll look at it.
I thought it had to do with renaming also class vars but I tried with a
different class name and a class var with that name and it did not rename


On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 11:17 AM Andres Valloud via Cuis-dev <
cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st> wrote:

> Hi,
> 1.  Create a class called NewSymbols.
> 2.  Rename the class to e.g. Lalala.
> 3.  Click anywhere in the browser to trigger symbol internment / lookup.
> 4.  Note that Lalala does not understand #like:.
> Why?  Because the class variable NewSymbols in the class Symbol was also
> renamed to Lalala.
> Andres.
> --
> Cuis-dev mailing list
> Cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st
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<https://10pines.com/>Hernán WilkinsonSoftware Developer & Coach

Alem 896, Floor 6, Buenos Aires, Argentina

+54 11 6091 3125

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