[Cuis-dev] [IMPROV] Ups I did it again: TimeProfileBrowser in Compiler

Gerald Klix cuis.01 at klix.ch
Sat Jun 26 06:08:40 PDT 2021

Hi Juan, Hi folks,

On 6/25/21 5:28 PM, Juan Vuletich via Cuis-dev wrote:
> Hi Gerald,
> On 6/19/2021 11:12 AM, Gerald Klix via Cuis-dev wrote:
>> Hi all, Hi Juan,
>> I also added the TimeProfileBrowser to
>> Compiler>>#evaluateSelectionAndDo:ifFail:profiled: .
> Thanks! Just pushed both to GitHub.
>> BTW:
>> We should improve discoverability in Cuis.
>> Now more than 2 and a half years have passed,
>> that you added me as a Cuis developer,
>> but it took (me) til yesterday, until I discovered
>> this TimeProfileBrowser class.
> Yes. Indeed. We'd replace the "Open" World submenu with a better thought 
> "Tools" menu. Maybe with a few submenu levels, and checking that all the 
> included tools are there. There should also be some kind of registry, so 
> packages can add additional tools.
That is a more Cuis-like solution than my proposal.

What I would really love to have is some facility,
that provides some means to add tools that are implemented
in packages that in turn are filed in upon request.
Scanning the filesystem upon menu-creation is
not an option. One old hard-disk/NAS,
like my old time-capsule, will block the menu
for at least 10 seconds until the disks have spun up.
> Any takers?
I am rather reluctant to say yes.
I have the tendency to over-engineer solutions.

Best Regards,


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