[Cuis-dev] Show Morphs halos from object explorer

Mariano Montone marianomontone at gmail.com
Tue Jun 29 06:10:04 PDT 2021


when debugging my Morphic GUI I miss the ability to show a Morph's halos
from the Smalltalk explorer. The Smalltalk explorer let's me explore a
Morph's owner and submorphs, but being able to show the current selected
item halos would be very handy (I can inspect selected Morph size and
position like that).

So I added it, like this in ObjectExplorerWindow>>genericMenu :

model getCurrentSelection ifNotNil: [ :currSel |
				(currSel item isKindOf: Morph) ifTrue: [
					aMenu addLine.
					aMenu add: 'show morph halo' target: currSel item action: #addHalo]].

I attach the file with the change.

Even better than that would be to let the current selected model
participate in the building of the explorer menu, but I guess that would
be another story.

Any thoughts?


-------------- next part --------------
'From Cuis 5.0 [latest update: #4619] on 29 June 2021 at 10:09:15 am'!

!ObjectExplorerWindow methodsFor: 'building menus' stamp: 'MM 6/29/2021 09:56:27'!
	"Borrow a menu from my inspector"
	| aMenu |
	aMenu _ MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self.
	model getCurrentSelection
		ifNil: [
				add: '*nothing selected*'
				target: self
				action: #yourself]
		ifNotNil: [
				addItemsFromDictionaries: `{
						#label 			-> 		'inspect (i)'.
						#selector 		-> 		#inspectSelection.
						#icon 			-> 		#inspectIcon
					} asDictionary.
						#label 			-> 		'explore (I)'.
						#selector 		-> 		#exploreSelection.
						#icon 			-> 		#exploreIcon
					} asDictionary.
						#label 			-> 		'copy to clipboard (c)'.
						#selector 		-> 		#copySelectionToClipboard.
						#icon 			-> 		#copyIcon
					} asDictionary.
						#label 			-> 		'basic inspect'.
						#selector 		-> 		#inspectBasic.
						#icon 			-> 		#inspectIcon
					} asDictionary.
						#label 			-> 		'references finder'.
						#selector 		-> 		#openReferencesFinder.
						#icon 			-> 		#exploreIcon
					} asDictionary.
						#label 			-> 		'weight explorer'.
						#selector 		-> 		#openWeightExplorer.
						#icon 			-> 		#exploreIcon
					} asDictionary.
						#label 			-> 		'browse full (b)'.
						#selector 		-> 		#browseMethodFull.
						#icon 			-> 		#editFindReplaceIcon
					} asDictionary.
						#label 			-> 		'browse hierarchy (h)'.
						#selector 		-> 		#browseHierarchy.
						#icon 			-> 		#goTopIcon
					} asDictionary.
						#label 			-> 		'browse protocol (p)'.
						#selector 		-> 		#browseFullProtocol.
						#icon 			-> 		#spreadsheetIcon
					} asDictionary.
			model getCurrentSelection ifNotNil: [ :currSel |
				(currSel item isKindOf: Morph) ifTrue: [
					aMenu addLine.
					aMenu add: 'show morph halo' target: currSel item action: #addHalo]].
			aMenu addLine;
				add: 'monitor changes'
				target: self
				action: #monitor:
				argument: model getCurrentSelection.
			model class == ReferencesExplorer ifTrue: [
				aMenu addLine;
					add: 'rescan'
					target: self
					action: #rescan ]].
	model basicMonitorList isEmptyOrNil
		ifFalse: [
			aMenu addLine;
				add: 'stop monitoring all'
				target: self
				action: #stopMonitoring ].
	^ aMenu! !

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