[Cuis-dev] [IMPROV] Using MenuMorph>>#addTitle: for subtitles
Gerald Klix
cuis.01 at klix.ch
Thu May 6 07:11:00 PDT 2021
Hi all, Hi Juan,
Please find enclosed a change set, that makes
MenuMorph>>#addTitle: usable to add subtitles
to menus.
Try the attached script to see the difference.
HTH and Best Regards,
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'From Haver 5.0 [latest update: #4587] on 6 May 2021 at 3:57:03 pm'!
!MenuMorph methodsFor: 'construction' stamp: 'KLG 5/6/2021 15:45:51'!
addTitle: aString
"Add a title line at the top of this menu Make aString its initial
If aSelector is not nil, then periodically obtain fresh values for its
contents by sending aSelector to aTarget.."
| s pp w newMorph |
newMorph _ WidgetMorph new noBorder.
newMorph color: Theme current menuTitleBar.
pp _ `8 at 2`.
aString asString linesDo: [ :line |
s _ LabelMorph new
contents: line;
font: Preferences standardMenuFont bold.
newMorph addMorphBack: s position: pp.
pp _ pp + (0@(s morphHeight+2)) ].
w _ newMorph submorphs inject: 0 into: [ :prev :each |
prev max: each morphWidth ].
newMorph morphExtent: (w + 16) @ (pp y).
ifNil: [
titleMorph _ newMorph.
self addMorphFront: titleMorph ]
ifNotNil: [ self addMorphBack: newMorph ].
(self hasProperty: #needsStayUpIcons) ifTrue: [ self addStayUpIcons ]! !
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(menu _ MenuMorph new)
addTitle: 'Demo Menu';
addTitle: 'One';
add: 'One 1' action: #yourself;
add: 'One 2' action: #yourself;
add: 'One 3' action: #yourself;
addTitle: 'Two';
add: 'Two 1' action: #yourself;
add: 'Two 2' action: #yourself;
addTitle: 'Three';
add: 'Three 1' action: #yourself;
add: 'Three 2' action: #yourself;
add: 'Three 3' action: #yourself;
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