[Cuis-dev] LargeNegativeInteger --- extra minus signs when printing

Andres Valloud ten at smallinteger.com
Tue Sep 14 18:07:16 PDT 2021

Hi, consider this test case.

| ws |
ws := String new writeStream.
1 bitShift: 64 :: negated :: printOn: ws base: 10 nDigits: 20.
ws contents '-1844674407-3709551616'

The problem is that printOn:base:nDigits: is not reimplemented in 
LargeNegativeInteger.  See attached for a suggested fix.

-------------- next part --------------
'From Cuis 5.0 [latest update: #4860] on 14 September 2021 at 6:04:45 pm'!

!LargeNegativeInteger methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'sqr 9/14/2021 18:04:00'!
printOn: aStream base: b nDigits: n
	"Append a representation of this number in base b on aStream using n digits.
	In order to reduce cost of LargePositiveInteger ops, split the number of digts approximatily in two
	Should be invoked with: 0 <= self < (b raisedToInteger: n)"

	aStream nextPut: $-.
	self abs printOn: aStream base: b nDigits: n! !

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