[Cuis-dev] DSL GUI framework

Mariano Montone marianomontone at gmail.com
Fri Sep 17 05:48:03 PDT 2021

El 16/9/21 a las 16:19, Hilaire Fernandes via Cuis-dev escribió:
> Thanks Mariano,
> I took the time to look at it.

I'm glad you did :) .

I think the idea has potential. I've found it was very easy to build
quite powerful mini applications. But I know it is not what you are
looking for, as my approach here is focused on data based browsing
Morphs; that's not generic enough.

> Interesting idea pairing the  label and action in a dictionary.

I like this one: This is a fully functional Cuis preferences editor. I
don't know if you tried it:

(QuickList on: Preferences preferencesDictionary values )
	printer: [:pref | pref name];
	actions: {
		'Inspect' -> #inspect.
		'Set' -> [:pref | self request: (pref name, ' (', pref preferenceValue
asString, ')') do: [:str | pref preferenceValue: (Compiler evaluate:
str) ]]};
	detail: [:pref | String streamContents: [:s |
			s nextPutAll: pref preferenceValue printString;
				newLine; newLine;
			 	nextPutAll: pref helpString]];
	filter: true;
	openTitled: 'Preferences'.

> It looks like you wrote a few widgets for your projects in your repo.
> Some that could be useful for DrGeo port to Cuis.

Yes. I hope to review them some day, document them and ship them
properly it there are valuable widgets there.



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