[Cuis-dev] PluggableButton

Juan Vuletich JuanVuletich at zoho.com
Mon Apr 4 13:10:02 PDT 2022

On 4/2/2022 4:15 AM, Hilaire Fernandes via Cuis-dev wrote:
> I contributed the ButtonMorph in Cuis-Smalltalk-UI, in the UI-Widgets 
> package. It adds the behaviors I need for DrGeo.
> you can check it out
> Hilaire
> Le 01/04/2022 à 20:23, Juan Vuletich a écrit :
>> I think it is best to avoid another button class. Please hack 
>> PluggableButton as much as needed to get the color / border and hover 
>> behavior as you need, and email me the change set. I'll review it, 
>> and maybe I'll make the option a flag in Theme, or maybe a 
>> preference, to include it in base Cuis.
> -- 
> GNU Dr. Geo
> http://drgeo.eu
> http://blog.drgeo.eu

Please try #5097 attached. This cs breaks your ButtonMorph, for it to 
work again, use attached unsavedChanges...

I slightly changed some of your selectors. I tried like this.

-----Workspace1---- ButtonMorph
b := ButtonMorph new.
b openInWorld.
b morphPosition: 100 at 100 extent: 200 at 100.
b color: Color yellow darker.
b borderWidth: 5; borderColor: Color green.

b icon: Theme current closeIcon.
b selectedColor: Color tan.
b argument: false.
b model: [ :b | b print. b ] stateGetter: #value: action: #print label: nil.

b argument: true. b redrawNeeded.
b argument: false. b redrawNeeded.
b disable.
b enable.
b adoptWidgetsColor: Color pink.

---- Workspace 2 ---- PluggableButtonMorph
b := PluggableButtonMorph new.
b openInWorld.
b morphPosition: 400 at 100 extent: 200 at 100.
b color: Color yellow darker.
b borderWidth: 5; borderColor: Color green.

b roundButtonStyle: false.
b magnifiedIcon: Theme current closeIcon.
b mouseOverColor: Color tan.
b model: [ :b | b print. b ] stateGetter: #value: stateGetterArgument: 
false action: #print label: nil.

b stateGetterArgument: true. b redrawNeeded.
b stateGetterArgument: false. b redrawNeeded.
b disable.
b enable.
b adoptWidgetsColor: Color pink.

If you think this is ok, I'll integrate it.


Juan Vuletich

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