[Cuis-dev] The Preference model

Luciano Notarfrancesco luchiano at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 23:38:43 PDT 2022

Hilaire, thanks for taking the time to write about this and bringing it up
for discussion. I’ll share some opinions from the top of my head, see

On Wed, 27 Apr 2022 at 12:49 AM Hilaire Fernandes via Cuis-dev <
cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st> wrote:

>    - categoryList - an array of selector describing the categories the
>    preference belongs to. I think one selector is enough. *Opinion?*
> Yes, just one category for a preference sounds better, I wonder what was
the reason for allowing a preference to have multiple categories..

>    - changeInformee changeSelector - an object and selector to inform of
>    value changed. I don't think it is good design, it is limited to one object
>    and it should use triggerEvent. *Opinion?*
> Yes, makes sense.

> To overcome the limitation of Preference mode, we could have subclasses of
> Preference, each specialized in one form of preference model: list, free
> text, closure, boolean, integer, integer in an interval, color, etc. Each
> one could be then extended in a third party package with the appropriate
> widget to edit its content.
I agree with Mariano that a Symbol for the type should be enough, I’d
prefer to make it as simple as possible without creating lots of new

> *Preferences. *This is where the preferences are stored. The behavior is
> only in the class side, with two class variables. For me there is a concern
> with the responsibilities. For example there are methods to set the
> particular state of a Preference instance. For example #forTouch. I don't
> think it belongs there. In short the class is a bit a mess, 167 methods.
> *Opinion?*
>    - DictionaryOfPreferences - Hold the Preference instances.
>    - Parameters - Unclear. *Opinion?*
> PreferencesDictionary sounds better for a class name. I think it could
have exactly the same accessing protocol as a Dictionary (at:, at:put:,
at:ifAbsent:, at:ifAbsentPut:, etc), and internally store a Dictionary of
instances of Preference by preference name. So instead of the Preferences
class we could have an instance of PrefrencesDictionary called #Preferences

The way to query the preferences is what make the class method numerous in
> Preferences.  Worst, in the base system there are Preferences methods for
> packages absent in the system, for example. The specific preferences
> instances should be instantiated in these packages, in the ad-hoc
> initialize class method, or so. *Opinion?*

Yes, packages could register new preferences, and they could do it be
instantiating a Preference and registering in Preferences (something like
Preferences add: aPreference) or sending a message to Preferences with all
the data to instantiate and add a new preference (something like
Preferences add: #soundsEnabled type: #boolean category: ‘system-sound’
defaultValue: true).

> Querying a Preference instance with a symbol could make Preferences much
> less cumbersome. Preferences for: #soundsEnabled, Preferences value:
> #soundsEnabled, etc. *Opinion?*
I would just use Dictionary semantics for querying preference values like
Prefeences at: #soundsEnabled. And for getting the actual Preference
instance similar to #associationAt: in Dictionary I would use
#preferenceAt: and #preferenceAt:ifAbsent:.

Let’s keep discussing and thinking!
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