[Cuis-dev] The Preference model

Mariano Montone marianomontone at gmail.com
Wed Apr 27 06:57:30 PDT 2022

El 27/4/22 a las 09:09, Hilaire Fernandes via Cuis-dev escribió:
> Le 27/04/2022 à 08:38, Luciano Notarfrancesco via Cuis-dev a écrit :
>>     To overcome the limitation of Preference mode, we could have
>>     subclasses of Preference, each specialized in one form of
>>     preference model: list, free text, closure, boolean, integer,
>>     integer in an interval, color, etc. Each one could be then
>>     extended in a third party package with the appropriate widget to
>>     edit its content.
>> I agree with Mariano that a Symbol for the type should be enough, I’d 
>> prefer to make it as simple as possible without creating lots of new 
>> clases.
> One symbol will help for preferences depending only on one value 
> (boolean, string, closure). But when the value should be picked up in 
> a list (as it is the case for the ScreenSize element) it will not be 
> enough.

Yes, that's a problem.

Also if you want to have an interval type for example, something like 
(you can imagine):

IntegerPreferenceType new default:0; min: 0; max: 100; yourself
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