[Cuis-dev] The Preference model

ken.dickey at whidbey.com ken.dickey at whidbey.com
Sat Apr 30 07:44:54 PDT 2022


Looks good!

Of course there is always something.. ;^)

   Class init -> self reset
   Methods to Save/Restore Prefs to/from a File (SmartRefStream)
    -- useful on VM startup for user preferences
    -- add menu items to World Menu -> Preferences..
   Fill in the all name: description: category: type: value: fields
     in #cuisDefaults.

It may be too early to consider, but it might be worthwhile to have a 
cheap, text based setter utility in base that could be replaced by 
UI-Click-Select/UI-Tools package additions.  Refinement/augmentation 
could be done in some UI Package by subclassing Preference(NG).

I am thinking of TextEmphasis edit via MultiSelectMenu.
Color edit by selection Palette

Not in base, but very handy..

Great start!

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