[Cuis-dev] The Preference model

Hilaire Fernandes hilaire at drgeo.eu
Sat Apr 30 13:12:48 PDT 2022

> Also sorry for calling you Hilario. It was the iPad autocompleter. It 
> was a hilarious mistake ;)
No offense. When traveling in the EU Latin countries (Portgual, Spain, 
Italy), people call me Hilario. So you can do the same as you wish.

I amended the class with your suggestions.

The file operations are save, load and merge.

  * Save one preference, preferences from one category or all preferences.
  * Load replace the system preferences with the one from the file and
  * Merge with preferences in a file, with a precedence for the
    preferences from the file.

I also add PreferenceNG at: #biggerCursors put: true, it is not 
symmetric to the Dictionary syntax but it is handy and read nicely.

GNU Dr. Geo
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'From Cuis 6.0 [latest update: #5113] on 30 April 2022 at 10:11:20 pm'!
!classDefinition: #PreferenceNG category: #'System-Support'!
Object subclass: #PreferenceNG
	instanceVariableNames: 'name description category value type'
	classVariableNames: 'ThePreferences'
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'System-Support'!
!PreferenceNG commentStamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 12:47:46' prior: 0!
My instance is a Preference whose value is of a given class (type), or follow the description of the type instance

- name, category: symbol
- description: string
- type: a class (Boolean, String, Color, BlockClosure, etc.) or an instance (collection, intervale, etc.)
- value: an object whose class match type or the instance description of the type

Modus Operendi
- To create a Preference, invoke the instance creation class method (Preference name:description:category:type:value:). The new preference is automatically remembered. If a preference with same name already exist, its instance is returned.
- To access, invoke as dictionary (Preference at: #biggerCursors), a short cut exist (Preference biggerCursors)!

!PreferenceNG methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 14:42:44'!
printOn: aStream
	aStream nextPutAll: self class name ;
		nextPutAll: ' (';
		nextPutAll: name capitalized ;
		nextPutAll: ' = ';
		nextPutAll: type printString;
		nextPutAll: '::';
		nextPutAll: value printString;
		nextPut: $)! !

!PreferenceNG methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 12:11:31'!
name: nameSymbol description: aString category: categorySymbol type: aType value: aValue
	name _ nameSymbol.
	description _ aString.
	category _ categorySymbol.
	type _ aType.
	value _ 	aValue! !

!PreferenceNG methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 14:25:45'!
	^ category ! !

!PreferenceNG methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 14:25:57'!
	^ description! !

!PreferenceNG methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 14:26:02'!
	^ name! !

!PreferenceNG methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 14:25:38'!
	^ value! !

!PreferenceNG methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 21:29:27'!
value: aValue	
	type class class == Metaclass "type is a Class"
		ifTrue: [
			(aValue isKindOf: type) ifFalse: [self error: aValue printString, ' is not a ', type printString].
			value _ aValue ]
		ifFalse: [ "Should be handled somehow by the preference editor " 			].
	self class triggerEvent: #preferenceChanged with: self! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

!classDefinition: 'PreferenceNG class' category: #'System-Support'!
PreferenceNG class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 21:11:22'!
	^ ThePreferences 
	! !

!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 15:14:39'!
at: symbolName
	^ ThePreferences at: symbolName ifAbsent: [self error: 'Unknown preference ', symbolName ]! !

!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 21:31:23'!
at: symbolName put: aValue
	| myPref |
	myPref _ ThePreferences at: symbolName ifAbsent: [self error: 'Unknown preference ', symbolName ].
	myPref value: aValue! !

!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 14:28:57'!
	| categories |
	categories _ Set new.
	ThePreferences values do: [:aPreference | categories add: aPreference category].
	^ categories sorted! !

!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 12:23:31'!
	^ #( 
		#(#drawKeyboardFocusIndicator true )
		#(#balloonHelpEnabled true )
		#(#biggerCursors false )
		#(#browseWithPrettyPrint false )
		#(#caseSensitiveFinds false )
		#(#checkForSlips true )
		#(#cmdDotEnabled true )
		#(#diffsInChangeList true )
		#(#diffsWithPrettyPrint false )
		#(#menuKeyboardControl true )
		#(#optionalButtons true )
		#(#extraDebuggerButtons true )
		#(#subPixelRenderFonts true )
		#(#thoroughSenders true )
		#(#cheapWindowReframe false )
		#(#syntaxHighlightingAsYouType true )
		#(#tapAndHoldEmulatesButton2 true )
		#(#clickGrabsMorphs false )
		#(#syntaxHighlightingAsYouTypeAnsiAssignment false )
		#(#syntaxHighlightingAsYouTypeLeftArrowAssignment false )
		#(#wantsMenuIcons true )
	)! !

!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 15:13:29'!
of: symbolName
	^ (self at: symbolName) value! !

!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 14:29:56'!
select: aCategory
" I select the preferences of the given category "
	^ ThePreferences values select: [:aPreference | aPreference category == aCategory ]! !

!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 14:39:32'!
"Import the preferences from the old system"
	Preferences preferencesDictionary valuesDo: [:oldPref |
			name: oldPref name 
			description: (oldPref instVarNamed: #helpString)
			category: (oldPref instVarNamed: #categoryList) first
			type: Object
			value: oldPref preferenceValue 
		]! !

!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 12:17:04'!
name: nameSymbol description: aString category: categorySymbol type: aType value: aValue
	(nameSymbol isSymbol or: [categorySymbol isSymbol]) ifFalse: 
		[self error: 'Preference Name & Category are not valid symbol.'].
	^ ThePreferences 
		at: nameSymbol
		ifAbsentPut: [ 
			self new ::
				name: nameSymbol 
				description: aString 
				category: categorySymbol 
				type: aType 
				value: aValue].
	! !

!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 12:28:57'!
	ThePreferences _ Dictionary new.
	self cuisDefaults do: [:anArray |
		self name: anArray first description: '' category: #system type: Boolean value: anArray second]
		! !

!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'error handling' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 15:15:57'!
doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
	aMessage hasArguments ifTrue: [^ super doesNotUnderstand: aMessage].
	^ self of: aMessage selector! !

!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 21:07:47'!
	self reset! !

!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'fileIn/Out' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 22:10:43'!
loadFrom: aFileEntry
" Load all preferences from file, it replaces entirely the existing preferences "
	ThePreferences _ SmartRefStream restoreFromFile: aFileEntry! !

!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'fileIn/Out' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 22:10:56'!
mergeWith: aFileEntry
" Load the preferences from file and merge with the existing preferences. 
Duplicates from file replace the ones in system "
	| newPrefs |
	newPrefs _ 	SmartRefStream restoreFromFile: aFileEntry.
	newPrefs associationsDo: [:assoc | 		ThePreferences at: assoc key put: assoc value]! !

!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'fileIn/Out' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 21:51:54'!
save: nameSymbol to: aFileEntry
" Save one preference to a file, even for a sole preference we save in a Dictionary"
	| myPref |
	myPref _ self at: nameSymbol.
		dumpOnFile: aFileEntry 
		object: {myPref name -> myPref} asDictionary! !

!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'fileIn/Out' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 21:58:19'!
saveAllTo: aFileEntry
" Save all the preferences to a file "
	SmartRefStream dumpOnFile: aFileEntry object: ThePreferences! !

!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'fileIn/Out' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 21:57:59'!
saveCategory: categorySymbol to: aFileEntry
	| myPref |
	myPref _ self select: categorySymbol.
		dumpOnFile: aFileEntry 
		object: 	(myPref collect: [:aPref | aPref name -> aPref ]) asDictionary! !

PreferenceNG initialize!

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