[Cuis-dev] Using OSProcess package

David T. Lewis lewis at mail.msen.com
Sat Dec 10 09:00:47 PST 2022

Hi Juan,

On Fri, Dec 09, 2022 at 03:37:25PM -0300, Juan Vuletich wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> On 12/9/2022 2:33 PM, David T. Lewis via Cuis-dev wrote:
> >
> >Hi Juan,
> >
> >I have not had time to look in detail, but something is badly broken. I see
> >"Bad file descriptor" errors in the console, and 
> >UnixProcessAccessorTestCase
> >crashes the VM.
> >
> >I'll try to look at it this weekend and give a better answer.
> >
> >Dave
> The problem is that what used to be instances of String, that can be 
> sent directly to the C world, only needing a zero byte at the end, are 
> now instances of UnicodeString. UnicodeString is a regular class (with 
> instance variables) and it can't be sent to the C world in the same way. 
> Something like UnicodeString that uses encapsulation to protect its 
> encoding is much better for the Smalltalk world. But unfortunately it 
> breaks the assumptions of code that deals with the external world. 
> Apologies for that.

Would it be all right to add the attached UniFileStream>>fileID to
Cuis? It's needed for OSProcess and it would help if we can have
it in the base image.

I made the changes and pushed the OSProcess update to github. Thanks
for the guidance and explanation. I used the #asByteString approach
because it was simple and easy to keep compatible with Squeak.

OSProcess is working again now, but requires the UniFileStream>>fileID
update before the tests can be run. I note that there problems in the
AioEventHandlerTestCase, but I think this is a separate issue (maybe
a difference in how Semaphore works on Squeak and Cuis). I don't
think that this will cause problems for most OSProcess users.


-------------- next part --------------
'From Cuis 6.0 [latest update: #5588] on 10 December 2022 at 10:47:14 am'!

!UniFileStream methodsFor: 'access' stamp: 'dtl 12/9/2022 18:37:21'!
	^fileID! !

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