[Cuis-dev] Tweaks to GUI elements size windows

Mariano Montone marianomontone at gmail.com
Tue Feb 22 05:57:58 PST 2022

El 22/2/22 a las 09:37, Juan Vuletich via Cuis-dev escribió:
> Hi Folks,
> I just pushed a change to tweak a bit the behavior of the "Size of GUI 
> elements" menu. I felt that the difference between sizes was too large, 
> so I made "tiny" larger, "huge" smaller, and adjusted the rest. I hope 
> you find it pleasant and not annoying. In any case, now you can call 
> #defaultFontSize: with any number, especially if using TrueType.

It is fine for me.

I think it could be cool to provide some widget for selecting the size 
instead of a menu.

Like a refined version of this:

options _ #(tinyFonts verySmallFonts smallFonts standardFonts largeFonts 
sb := ScrollBar new.
sb morphExtent: 100@(sb buttonExtent).
sb scrollDelta: 1/(options size) pageDelta: 1/(options size).
sb model: [:val | |sizeSelector|
	Transcript show: val.
	Transcript show: (val * options size - 1) rounded.
	sizeSelector _ options at: (val * (options size - 1)) rounded + 1 .
	Transcript show: sizeSelector.
	Preferences perform: sizeSelector] setValueSelector: #value:.
sb	openInWorld

I'll see if I can come up with something better, or better idea...



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