[Cuis-dev] TextModelMorph focus and scroll

Juan Vuletich JuanVuletich at zoho.com
Tue Feb 22 12:28:08 PST 2022

On 2/22/2022 12:54 PM, Mariano Montone via Cuis-dev wrote:
> Hi,
> when I scroll a TextModelMorph (using mouse scroll) that doesn't have 
> focus, and then click on it to edit the contents, the text area 
> scrolls to initial position and puts the cursor at the beginning.
> I would like to avoid that scroll, and just make the cursor appear on 
> clicked position.
> I've tried to change that, but haven't spotted how yet.
> Perhaps somebody else knows better.
> Thanks,
> Mariano

Hi Mariano, Folks,

This happens only if you chose 'click to focus'.

There are 2 possible behaviors: click to focus, and then click again to 
set cursor position. This is the standard behavior at least on my mac. 
Attach 5076-requireFurtherClick does this.

But the alternative, to give focus and set cursor position on a single 
click may be better. Attach 5076-sincleClick implements it.

Which one do you prefer?


Juan Vuletich

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