[Cuis-dev] Browse class subcategories

Juan Vuletich JuanVuletich at zoho.com
Thu Jan 13 11:19:22 PST 2022

Hi Folks,

I like this a lot! Thanks!

On 1/8/2022 12:43 PM, Luciano Notarfrancesco via Cuis-dev wrote:
> Here's a new version with Hilaire's second proposal and some fixes. It 
> also renames four categories for consistency with the rest of the 
> system. It's not intended for integration yet, at this point we're 
> just playing with the idea. Anyone feel free to play with this and 
> change it in any way.
> ...

Just a few comments / suggestions:

1) I think SystemCategoryWrapper belongs in the 'Tools-Browser' category.

2) If I click on 'Tools' and do cmd-b, I get a walkback as 'Tools' is 
not a real system category. Possible fix:
     "Create and schedule a new system category browser with initial 
     contents set to aString."
     model systemCategoryBrowser ifNotNil: [ :newBrowser |
         newBrowser selectedSystemCategoryName ifNotNil: [ :category |
                 openNoSysCat: newBrowser
                 label: 'Classes in category ', category ]]

3) I think category ordering should not be alphabetized. I generally 
follows "importance" or some conceptual precedence or such. And we can 
always aphabetize those we want. To keep current sorting, perhaps 
something like:
SystemCategoryWrapper >> contents
     | subcategories |
     subcategories _ OrderedCollection new.
     model systemCategoryList do: [:each|
         (each beginsWith: item, '-')
             ifTrue: [subcategories add: (each copyFrom: item size + 2 
to: each size)]].
     ^ subcategories collect: [:each| self class with: item, '-', each 
name: each model: model]


Juan Vuletich

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