[Cuis-dev] Slow keyboard input

Juan Vuletich JuanVuletich at zoho.com
Fri Jan 28 15:43:26 PST 2022

Hi Luciano,

On 1/28/2022 2:04 PM, Luciano Notarfrancesco via Cuis-dev wrote:
> Fantastic, this solved most of the problems, thank you! I’m using 
> HybridCanvas for now and it feels very smooth.


> Part of the problem was that my window manager was stepping every 1 
> second to make sure that windows were properly layedout (to account 
> for when the Cuis window changes size, for example). This was a bug, 
> and was causing everything to be redrawn every second, but it was not 
> slow enough to be noticeable until I tried it with full vector 
> graphics. Now I fixed it to avoid unnecessary redraws.


> I still think there might be a bug somewhere. The fact that a browser 
> with halo feels slower than a browser with no halo is kind of weird. 
> Also text input shouldn’t feel much slower with vector graphics, I 
> suspect something is being unnecessarily redrawn on every keystroke.

Running the stock Cuis image I don't see either of those problems. Can 
you share the image you are using so I can see and try to understand the 


>     Hi Luciano,
>     This may be due to using VectorCanvas for all drawing. Try
>     evaluating `MorphicCanvas activeSubclass: HybridCanvas.` to use
>     BitBlt for unzoomed/unrotated windows, with full VG capabilities,
>     or `MorphicCanvas activeSubclass: BitBltCanvas.` to completely
>     disable VG (while keeping TTF working).
>     Please tell how it goes.
>     Thanks,
>     -- 
>     Juan Vuletich
>     www.cuis-smalltalk.org  <http://www.cuis-smalltalk.org>
>     https://github.com/Cuis-Smalltalk/Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev
>     https://github.com/jvuletich
>     https://www.linkedin.com/in/juan-vuletich-75611b3
>     https://independent.academia.edu/JuanVuletich
>     https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Juan-Vuletich
>     https://patents.justia.com/inventor/juan-manuel-vuletich
>     @JuanVuletich

Juan Vuletich

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