[Cuis-dev] Some experimental libraries based on method wrappers

Mariano Montone marianomontone at gmail.com
Sat Jul 30 06:31:39 PDT 2022

Hello Juan, Hernán,

I'm attaching a set of packages for you to consider for inclusion into Cuis.
I've improved them and wrote tests for them.
If there's something you don't like, please let me know and I'll try to 

If you decide to include, I think Packages/DevTools could be a good home 
for them.

I'm also attaching a FlatFileList tool. It can be helpful to have for 
setups like mine where the normal FileList browser is too slow.
But that's up to you if you want to include or not.

Thank you!


El 22/6/22 a las 09:20, Juan Vuletich escribió:
> On 6/17/2022 4:41 PM, Mariano Montone via Cuis-dev wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've been looking at CodeCoverage package by Nicolas Papagna (it is 
>> excellently written btw), to try to understand how it worked, in 
>> particular the method wrapping.
>> Once I learned how they are implemented, I got the idea of trying 
>> some experiments with them.
>> So I'm implementing three packages: MethodAdvisers, 
>> BreakpointsManager and MessageTracer.
>> ...
>> These are all very much in the making, with missing things, tests, 
>> and tools that would be cool to add; but I think they have potential 
>> to be a good set of utilities.
>> Cheers,
>>      Mariano
> Hi Mariano,
> This is very interesting! I think we'd host a package with such 
> utilities in the main Cuis repo.
> Thanks,
-------------- next part --------------
'From Cuis 6.0 [latest update: #5399] on 30 July 2022 at 10:17:53 am'!
'Description Utility library for managing breakpoints via the installation of Method Wrappers.'!
!provides: 'BreakpointsManager' 1 19!
SystemOrganization addCategory: 'BreakpointsManager-Tests'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: 'BreakpointsManager'!

!classDefinition: #BreakpointsManagerTests category: 'BreakpointsManager-Tests'!
TestCase subclass: #BreakpointsManagerTests
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'BreakpointsManager-Tests'!
!classDefinition: 'BreakpointsManagerTests class' category: 'BreakpointsManager-Tests'!
BreakpointsManagerTests class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!classDefinition: #BreakpointsManagerTestSubject category: 'BreakpointsManager-Tests'!
Object subclass: #BreakpointsManagerTestSubject
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'BreakpointsManager-Tests'!
!classDefinition: 'BreakpointsManagerTestSubject class' category: 'BreakpointsManager-Tests'!
BreakpointsManagerTestSubject class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!classDefinition: #BreakpointMethodWrapper category: 'BreakpointsManager'!
Object subclass: #BreakpointMethodWrapper
	instanceVariableNames: 'compiledMethod when enabled methodClass'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'BreakpointsManager'!
!classDefinition: 'BreakpointMethodWrapper class' category: 'BreakpointsManager'!
BreakpointMethodWrapper class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!classDefinition: #BreakpointsManager category: 'BreakpointsManager'!
Object subclass: #BreakpointsManager
	instanceVariableNames: 'installedBreakpoints'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'BreakpointsManager'!
!classDefinition: 'BreakpointsManager class' category: 'BreakpointsManager'!
BreakpointsManager class
	instanceVariableNames: 'singleton'!

!BreakpointsManager commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
I provide an api for managing the installation of breakpoints.



subject _ BreakpointsManagerTestSubject new.

subject foo.

BreakpointsManager setBreakOnEntry: BreakpointsManagerTestSubject selector: #foo. 

subject foo.

BreakpointsManagerTestSubject setBreakOnEntry: #foo.

BreakpointsManager disableAllBreakpoints.
BreakpointsManager enableAllBreakpoints.
BreakpointsManager toggleAllBreakpoints.

BreakpointsManager uninstallAll !

!BreakpointsManagerTests methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 7/30/2022 10:02:14'!
	BreakpointsManager uninstallAll ! !

!BreakpointsManagerTests methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 7/30/2022 10:11:10'!

	subject _ BreakpointsManagerTestSubject new.
	subject foo.
	self assert: subject foo = 'foo'.
	BreakpointsManager setBreakOnEntry: BreakpointsManagerTestSubject selector: #foo.
	self  should: [subject foo] raise: Exception.
	BreakpointsManager disableBreakpointIn: BreakpointsManagerTestSubject selector: #foo.
	self assert: subject foo = 'foo'. 
	BreakpointsManager enableBreakpointIn: BreakpointsManagerTestSubject selector: #foo.
	self  should: [subject foo] raise: Exception.
	BreakpointsManager unsetBreakpoint: BreakpointsManagerTestSubject selector: #foo.
	self assert: subject foo = 'foo'.	 ! !

!BreakpointsManagerTests methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 7/30/2022 10:13:06'!

	subject _ BreakpointsManagerTestSubject new.
	subject foo.
	self assert: subject foo = 'foo'.
	BreakpointsManager setBreakOnExit: BreakpointsManagerTestSubject selector: #foo.
	self  should: [subject foo] raise: Exception.
	BreakpointsManager disableBreakpointIn: BreakpointsManagerTestSubject selector: #foo.
	self assert: subject foo = 'foo'. 
	BreakpointsManager enableBreakpointIn: BreakpointsManagerTestSubject selector: #foo.
	self  should: [subject foo] raise: Exception.
	BreakpointsManager unsetBreakpoint: BreakpointsManagerTestSubject selector: #foo.
	self assert: subject foo = 'foo'.	 ! !

!BreakpointsManagerTests methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 7/30/2022 10:17:46'!

	subject _ BreakpointsManagerTestSubject new.
	BreakpointsManagerTestSubject setBreakOnEntry: #foo.
	BreakpointsManagerTestSubject setBreakOnEntry: #foo.
	BreakpointsManagerTestSubject setBreakOnEntry: #foo.
	self should: [subject foo] raise: Exception.
	BreakpointsManagerTestSubject unsetBreakAt: #foo.
	self assert: subject foo = 'foo'! !

!BreakpointsManagerTestSubject methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 10:09:29'!
bar: aString
	^ 'bar: ', aString! !

!BreakpointsManagerTestSubject methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 7/30/2022 10:04:10'!
	Transcript show: 'foo'.
	^ 'foo'! !

!BreakpointMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:29:08'!
	when _ #onEntry! !

!BreakpointMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:30:52'!
	when _ #onExit! !

!BreakpointMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:31:12'!
	enabled _ false! !

!BreakpointMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:06:30'!
doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
	^ aMessage sendTo: compiledMethod! !

!BreakpointMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:31:05'!
	enabled _ true! !

!BreakpointMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:31:20'!
	^ enabled! !

!BreakpointMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:28:47'!
initialize: aClass selector: aSelector

	methodClass _ aClass.
	compiledMethod _ aClass compiledMethodAt: aSelector.
	enabled _ true.
	when _ #onEntry
	! !

!BreakpointMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:47:28'!
		addSelectorSilently: compiledMethod selector
		withMethod: self! !

!BreakpointMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 10:16:56'!
run: aSelector with: arguments in: aReceiver 

	"Main entry point"
	| result |
	enabled ifFalse: [^ compiledMethod valueWithReceiver: aReceiver arguments: arguments].
	when == #onEntry ifTrue: [self break].
	result _ compiledMethod			valueWithReceiver: aReceiver				arguments: arguments.
	when == #onExit ifTrue: [self break].
	^ result! !

!BreakpointMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 10:06:35'!
	enabled _ enabled not! !

!BreakpointMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:47:40'!
		addSelectorSilently: compiledMethod selector
		withMethod: compiledMethod! !

!BreakpointMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:31:27'!
	^ when! !

!BreakpointMethodWrapper class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:45:46'!
on: aClass selector: selector
	^ self new initialize: aClass selector: selector! !

!BreakpointsManager methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:48:55'!
	installedBreakpoints _ OrderedCollection new! !

!BreakpointsManager methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 10:05:59'!

	installedBreakpoints do: [:bp | bp disable]! !

!BreakpointsManager methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'MM 7/29/2022 13:55:30'!
disableBreakpointIn: aClass selector: selector

	bp _ self breakpointIn: aClass at: selector.
	bp disable! !

!BreakpointsManager methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 10:06:05'!

	installedBreakpoints do: [:bp | bp enable]! !

!BreakpointsManager methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'MM 7/29/2022 13:55:46'!
enableBreakpointIn: aClass selector: selector

	bp _ self breakpointIn: aClass at: selector.
	bp enable! !

!BreakpointsManager methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:54:11'!

	^ installedBreakpoints! !

!BreakpointsManager methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:51:04'!
setBreakOnEntry: aClass selector: selector

	| compiledMethod breakpointWrapper |
	compiledMethod _ aClass compiledMethodAt: selector.
	"If breakpoint already installed, setup and enable."
	compiledMethod class isCompiledMethodClass ifFalse: [
		(compiledMethod isKindOf: BreakpointMethodWrapper)
			ifTrue: [
				compiledMethod breakOnEntry; enable.
				^ self]].
	"Install a new breakpoint wrapper"
	breakpointWrapper _ BreakpointMethodWrapper on: aClass selector: selector.
	breakpointWrapper breakOnEntry;		install.
	installedBreakpoints add: breakpointWrapper
	 ! !

!BreakpointsManager methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:53:27'!
setBreakOnExit: aClass selector: selector

	| compiledMethod breakpointWrapper |
	compiledMethod _ aClass compiledMethodAt: selector.
	"If breakpoint already installed, setup and enable."
	compiledMethod class isCompiledMethodClass ifFalse: [
		(compiledMethod isKindOf: BreakpointMethodWrapper)
			ifTrue: [
				compiledMethod breakOnExit; enable.
				^ self]].
	"Install a new breakpoint wrapper"
	breakpointWrapper _ BreakpointMethodWrapper on: aClass selector: selector.
	breakpointWrapper breakOnExit;		install.
	installedBreakpoints add: breakpointWrapper
	 ! !

!BreakpointsManager methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 10:06:13'!

	installedBreakpoints do: [:bp | bp toggle]! !

!BreakpointsManager methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'MM 7/29/2022 13:54:16'!
toggleBreakpointIn: aClass selector: selector

	bp _ self breakpointIn: aClass at: selector.
	bp toggle! !

!BreakpointsManager methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 10:25:23'!

	installedBreakpoints do: [:bp | bp uninstall].
	installedBreakpoints _ OrderedCollection new! !

!BreakpointsManager methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'MM 7/29/2022 13:58:03'!
unsetBreakpoint: aClass selector: selector

	breakpointWrapper _ self breakpointIn: aClass at: selector.
	breakpointWrapper uninstall. 
	installedBreakpoints remove: breakpointWrapper.! !

!BreakpointsManager methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 7/29/2022 14:01:58'!
breakpointIn: aClass at: aSelector

	breakpointMethod _ aClass methodDict at: aSelector.
	self assert: (breakpointMethod isKindOf: BreakpointMethodWrapper) description: 'No breakpoint installed'.
	^ breakpointMethod! !

!BreakpointsManager class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 10:05:13'!
	self singleton disableAllBreakpoints! !

!BreakpointsManager class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 10:13:46'!
disableBreakpointIn: aClass selector: aSelector
	self singleton disableBreakpointIn: aClass selector: aSelector! !

!BreakpointsManager class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 10:05:28'!
	self singleton enableAllBreakpoints! !

!BreakpointsManager class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 7/30/2022 10:09:16'!
enableBreakpointIn: aClass selector: aSelector
	self singleton enableBreakpointIn: aClass selector: aSelector! !

!BreakpointsManager class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:54:37'!

	^ self singleton installedBreakpoints! !

!BreakpointsManager class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:38:41'!
setBreakOnEntry: aClass selector: selector

	self singleton setBreakOnEntry: aClass selector: selector! !

!BreakpointsManager class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:38:56'!
setBreakOnExit: aClass selector: selector

	self singleton setBreakOnExit: aClass selector: selector! !

!BreakpointsManager class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:04:55'!
	^ singleton ifNil: [singleton _ self new]! !

!BreakpointsManager class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 10:05:37'!
	self singleton toggleAllBreakpoints! !

!BreakpointsManager class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 10:24:55'!
	self singleton uninstallAll! !

!BreakpointsManager class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 7/29/2022 14:01:00'!
uninstallBreakpoint: aClass selector: selector

	self singleton unsetBreakpoint:  aClass selector: selector! !

!BreakpointsManager class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 7/29/2022 14:01:21'!
unsetBreakpoint: aClass selector: selector

	self singleton unsetBreakpoint: aClass selector: selector! !

!Behavior methodsFor: '*BreakpointsManager' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:37:40'!
setBreakOnEntry: selector

	BreakpointsManager setBreakOnEntry: self selector: selector! !

!Behavior methodsFor: '*BreakpointsManager' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:37:54'!
setBreakOnExit: selector

	BreakpointsManager setBreakOnExit: self selector: selector! !

!Behavior methodsFor: '*BreakpointsManager' stamp: 'MM 7/30/2022 10:17:26'!
unsetBreakAt: aSelector

	BreakpointsManager unsetBreakpoint: self selector: aSelector ! !
-------------- next part --------------
'From Cuis 6.0 [latest update: #5069] on 9 May 2022 at 5:59:48 pm'!
'Description Flat file browser tool. Alternative to Cuis default FileList tool.'!
!provides: 'FlatFileList' 1 42!
SystemOrganization addCategory: 'FlatFileList'!

!classDefinition: #FlatFileListWindow category: 'FlatFileList'!
SystemWindow subclass: #FlatFileListWindow
	instanceVariableNames: 'directoryList fileList directoryIndex fileIndex directoryInput'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'FlatFileList'!
!classDefinition: 'FlatFileListWindow class' category: 'FlatFileList'!
FlatFileListWindow class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!classDefinition: #FlatFileContentsBrowserWindow category: 'FlatFileList'!
FlatFileListWindow subclass: #FlatFileContentsBrowserWindow
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'FlatFileList'!
!classDefinition: 'FlatFileContentsBrowserWindow class' category: 'FlatFileList'!
FlatFileContentsBrowserWindow class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!classDefinition: #FlatFileSelectionWindow category: 'FlatFileList'!
FlatFileListWindow subclass: #FlatFileSelectionWindow
	instanceVariableNames: 'selectionAction filenameFilter'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'FlatFileList'!
!classDefinition: 'FlatFileSelectionWindow class' category: 'FlatFileList'!
FlatFileSelectionWindow class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!classDefinition: #FlatFileList category: 'FlatFileList'!
Object subclass: #FlatFileList
	instanceVariableNames: 'currentDirectory selectedFile sortBy sortAscending'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'FlatFileList'!
!classDefinition: 'FlatFileList class' category: 'FlatFileList'!
FlatFileList class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!FlatFileListWindow commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
A flat file browser.!

!FlatFileContentsBrowserWindow commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
A flat file list browser that displays file contents in a panel.!

!FlatFileSelectionWindow commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
A file selection morph.

selectionAction block is evaluated with the selected FileEntry object.
When set, filenameFilter is a block for filtering the type of files allowed. For example: [:fileEntry | fileEntry extension = 'txt']

FlatFileSelectionWindow withFileDo: [:fileEntry | fileEntry inspect]!

!FlatFileList commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
Model of FlatFileListWindow.!

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 23:12:52'!
addSortMenuItems: aMenu

	aMenu add: 'sort by name' action: #sortByName.
	aMenu add: 'sort by size' action: #sortBySize.
	aMenu add: 'sort by modification time' action: #sortByModificationTime.
	aMenu add: 'sort by extension' action: #sortByExtension.! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 23:08:52'!
	ChangeList browseRecentLogOn: model selectedFile! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/9/2022 17:31:36'!

	| upperPanel directoryPanel toolbar gotoParentButton refreshButton statusBar |
	upperPanel _ LayoutMorph newRow.
	directoryPanel _ LayoutMorph newColumn.
	toolbar _ LayoutMorph newRow.
	gotoParentButton _ PluggableButtonMorph model: self 
						action: #gotoParentDirectory.
	gotoParentButton icon: Theme current goUpIcon.
	toolbar addMorph: gotoParentButton.
	refreshButton _ PluggableButtonMorph model: self action: #refreshDirectory.
	refreshButton icon: Theme current changesIcon .
	toolbar addMorph: refreshButton.
	directoryInput _ TextModelMorph textProvider: self 
					textGetter: #currentDirectoryName 
					textSetter: #currentDirectoryName:.
	directoryInput acceptOnCR: true.
	toolbar addMorph: directoryInput fixedHeight: 30.
	layoutMorph addMorph: toolbar fixedHeight: 30.
	directoryList _ PluggableListMorph model: self 
					listGetter: #directoryListNames
					indexGetter: #directoryIndex 
					indexSetter: #directoryIndex:.
	directoryList 	doubleClickSelector: #selectDirectory.
	directoryPanel addMorphUseAll: directoryList.
	upperPanel addMorph: directoryPanel proportionalWidth: 0.4.
	fileList _ PluggableListMorph model: self 
				listGetter: #fileListNames
				indexGetter: #fileIndex 
				indexSetter: #fileIndex:
				mainView: self
				menuGetter: #fileListMenu
				keystrokeAction: #fileListKey:from:.
	fileList 	doubleClickSelector: #doubleClickFile.
	upperPanel addAdjusterAndMorph: fileList layoutSpec: LayoutSpec useAll.
	layoutMorph addMorph: upperPanel.
	statusBar _ TextModelMorph textProvider: self textGetter: #statusMessage.
	layoutMorph addMorph: statusBar fixedHeight: 30.
	! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 18:37:14'!

	^ model currentDirectory asString! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 19:59:23'!
currentDirectoryName: aDirectoryName

	model currentDirectory: aDirectoryName asString asDirectoryEntry.
	directoryInput hasUnacceptedEdits: false.
	self directoryChanged.! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/9/2022 10:00:30'!
	self changed: #directoryListNames.
	self changed: #fileListNames.
	self changed: #currentDirectoryName.
	fileIndex _ nil.
	self changed: #fileIndex.
	! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/8/2022 10:48:23'!
	^ model currentDirectoryList! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/8/2022 10:52:02'!
	^ model currentDirectoryList collect: [:dir | dir name]! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/9/2022 10:17:52'!

	| selectedFile |
	selectedFile _ self fileList at: self fileIndex .
	model selectedFile: selectedFile.
	self viewSelectedFile! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 22:30:54'!
	ChangeSet fileIn: model selectedFile! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 20:21:58'!
	^model selectedFile
		ifNil: [ self noFileSelectedMenu ]
		ifNotNil: [ self fileSelectedMenu ]! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 23:08:12'!

	| menu |
	menu _ MenuMorph entitled: model selectedFile name.
	menu defaultTarget: self.
	menu add: 'view' action: #viewSelectedFile.
	menu add: 'workspace with contents' action: #viewContentsInWorkspace.
	({'pck'. 'pck.st'} includes: model selectedFile extension)
		ifTrue: [menu add: 'install package' action: #installPackageFile].
	model selectedFile extension = 'st'
		ifTrue: [menu add: 'file in' action: #fileInFile].
	model selectedFile extension = 'cs.st'
		ifTrue: [menu add: 'install changeset' action: #installChangeSet].
	model selectedFile extension = 'changes'
		ifTrue: [menu add: 'browse changes in file' action: #browseFileChanges]. 
	menu addLine .
	self addSortMenuItems: menu.
	^ menu! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/9/2022 17:35:20'!
	self changed: #statusMessage! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/9/2022 09:52:10'!
	model gotoParentDirectory! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 22:31:22'!
	ChangeSet install: model selectedFile! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 20:58:05'!

	CodePackageFile installPackage: model selectedFile! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 22:20:02'!

	| menu |
	menu _ MenuMorph entitled: model selectedFile name.
	menu defaultTarget: self.
	self addSortMenuItems: menu.
	^ menu! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 20:35:19'!
	model selectedFile fileContents editLabel: model selectedFile asString! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 19:57:04'!
	self directoryChanged.! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/9/2022 09:50:06'!

	| selectedDirectory |
	selectedDirectory _ self selectedDirectory.
	model currentDirectory: selectedDirectory! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/8/2022 10:49:48'!
	^ model currentDirectoryList at: self directoryIndex! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 23:13:03'!

	model sortBy: #extension.
	self directoryChanged.! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 22:18:49'!

	model sortBy: #modificationTime.
	self directoryChanged.! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 22:18:06'!

	model sortBy: #name.
	self directoryChanged.! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 22:18:40'!

	model sortBy: #size.
	self directoryChanged.! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/9/2022 17:58:56'!
	^ model selectedFile ifNotNil: [:file |
		file name , ' ° ', file fileSize printStringAsBytes , ' ° last modified: ', file modificationTime asString]
	ifNil: [model currentDirectory name, ' ° ', model currentDirectory children size asString, ' elements']! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/9/2022 09:51:14'!
update: aSymbol
	aSymbol == #currentDirectory ifTrue: [	self directoryChanged].
	aSymbol == #selectedFile ifTrue: [self fileSelectionChanged].! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 20:31:11'!
	"View the contents of my selected file in a new workspace"
	| aString aName |

	model selectedFile readStreamDo: [ :stream |
		stream ifNil: [^ 'For some reason, this file cannot be read'].
		aString _ stream next: stream size.
		aName _ stream localName ].

	(Workspace new contents: aString) openLabel: 'Workspace from ', aName! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 21:24:46'!
	model selectedFile fileContents editLabel: model selectedFile asString! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 18:30:53'!
	^ Theme current fileList! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 18:14:25'!
	"Answer the value of directoryIndex"

	^ directoryIndex ifNil: [0]! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 18:14:08'!
directoryIndex: anObject
	"Set the value of directoryIndex"

	directoryIndex _ anObject! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 18:14:08'!
directoryList: anObject
	"Set the value of directoryList"

	directoryList _ anObject! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 18:14:33'!
	"Answer the value of fileIndex"

	^ fileIndex ifNil: [0]! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'MM 5/9/2022 17:58:08'!
fileIndex: anObject
	"Set the value of fileIndex"

	fileIndex _ anObject.
	fileIndex isZero ifFalse: [
		model selectedFile: (model currentDirectoryFiles at: fileIndex)]
		ifTrue: [model selectedFile: nil]! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 21:33:22'!
	"Answer the value of fileList"

	^ model currentDirectoryFiles! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 18:14:08'!
fileList: anObject
	"Set the value of fileList"

	fileList _ anObject! !

!FlatFileListWindow methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'MM 5/8/2022 10:53:06'!
	"Answer the value of fileList"

	^ model currentDirectoryFiles collect: [:file | file name]! !

!FlatFileListWindow class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/9/2022 10:21:58'!

	^ self open: (FlatFileList new currentDirectory: DirectoryEntry currentDirectory) label: 'File browser'.! !

!FlatFileListWindow class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 21:21:37'!
	^ `{{
			#itemGroup 		-> 		40.
			#itemOrder 		-> 		10.
			#label 			->			'Flat File List'.
			#object 			-> 		FlatFileListWindow.
			#selector 		-> 		#open.
			#icon 			-> 		#systemFileManagerIcon.
			#balloonText 	-> 		'A flat explorer of the File System'.
		} asDictionary}`! !

!FlatFileContentsBrowserWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/9/2022 09:45:51'!
	| fileContents |
	super buildMorphicWindow .
	fileContents _ TextModelMorph textProvider: self textGetter: #fileContents textSetter: #fileContents:.
	layoutMorph addAdjusterAndMorph: fileContents layoutSpec: LayoutSpec useAll. ! !

!FlatFileContentsBrowserWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/9/2022 09:55:00'!
	^ model selectedFile ifNotNil: [:file | file fileContents] ifNil: ['']! !

!FlatFileContentsBrowserWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/9/2022 17:48:23'!
	super fileSelectionChanged.
	self changed: #fileContents.! !

!FlatFileSelectionWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/9/2022 10:15:29'!
	| buttonsBar selectButton cancelButton |
	super buildMorphicWindow .
	buttonsBar _ LayoutMorph newRow.
	selectButton _ PluggableButtonMorph model: self action: #selectFile  label: 'select'.
	buttonsBar addMorph: selectButton.
	cancelButton _ PluggableButtonMorph model: self action: #cancel label: 'cancel'.
	buttonsBar addMorph: cancelButton.
	layoutMorph addMorph: buttonsBar fixedHeight: 30. ! !

!FlatFileSelectionWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/9/2022 10:19:08'!

	self delete! !

!FlatFileSelectionWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/9/2022 10:18:38'!
	self selectFile! !

!FlatFileSelectionWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/9/2022 10:22:24'!
	selectionAction value: model selectedFile.
	self delete! !

!FlatFileSelectionWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/9/2022 10:21:04'!
selectionAction: aBlock
	selectionAction _ aBlock! !

!FlatFileSelectionWindow class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/9/2022 10:21:12'!
withFileDo: aBlock
	self open selectionAction: aBlock! !

!FlatFileList methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/9/2022 09:55:34'!
currentDirectory: aDirectory

	currentDirectory _ aDirectory.
	self changed: #currentDirectory.
	self selectedFile: nil! !

!FlatFileList methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 23:12:28'!

	files _ self currentDirectory files.
	^ sortBy caseOf: {
		[#name] -> [|sorter| sorter _ sortAscending 
						ifTrue: [[:f1 :f2 | f1 name < f2 name]]
						ifFalse: [[:f1 :f2 | f1 name > f2 name]].
					files asSortedCollection: sorter].
		[#modificationTime] -> [|sorter| sorter _ sortAscending 
						ifTrue: [[:f1 :f2 | f1 modificationTime < f2 modificationTime]]
						ifFalse: [[:f1 :f2 | f1 modificationTime > f2 modificationTime]].
					files asSortedCollection: sorter].
		[#size] -> [|sorter| sorter _ sortAscending 
						ifTrue: [[:f1 :f2 | f1 fileSize < f2 fileSize]]
						ifFalse: [[:f1 :f2 | f1 fileSize > f2 fileSize]].
					files asSortedCollection: sorter].
		[#extension] -> [|sorter| sorter _ sortAscending 
						ifTrue: [[:f1 :f2 | f1 extension < f2 extension]]
						ifFalse: [[:f1 :f2 | f1 extension > f2 extension]].
					files asSortedCollection: sorter].
	}! !

!FlatFileList methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/8/2022 10:48:37'!
	^ currentDirectory directories asSortedCollection: [:d1 :d2 | d1 name < d2 name]! !

!FlatFileList methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 21:11:20'!

	^ Preferences initialFileListDirectories
		caseOf: {
			[ #roots ] -> [ 	DirectoryEntry roots first].
			[ #image ] -> [ DirectoryEntry smalltalkImageDirectory ].
			[ #vm  ] -> [ DirectoryEntry vmDirectory ].
			[ #current ] -> [DirectoryEntry currentDirectory]}
		otherwise: [DirectoryEntry currentDirectory]! !

!FlatFileList methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/9/2022 09:52:34'!
	currentDirectory parent ifNotNil: [:parent |
		self currentDirectory: parent]! !

!FlatFileList methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 22:15:06'!

	currentDirectory _ self defaultInitialDirectory.
	sortBy _ #name.
	sortAscending _ true.! !

!FlatFileList methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 22:10:42'!

	sortAscending _ sortAscending not! !

!FlatFileList methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 18:12:53'!
	"Answer the value of currentDirectory"

	^ currentDirectory! !

!FlatFileList methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 18:12:53'!
	"Answer the value of selectedFile"

	^ selectedFile! !

!FlatFileList methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'MM 5/9/2022 09:48:40'!
selectedFile: anObject
	"Set the value of selectedFile"

	selectedFile _ anObject.
	self changed: #selectedFile! !

!FlatFileList methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 21:34:38'!
	"Answer the value of sortBy"

	^ sortBy! !

!FlatFileList methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'MM 5/7/2022 22:12:24'!
sortBy: anObject
	"Set the value of sortBy"

	sortBy == anObject ifTrue: [self toggleSortDirection ].
	sortBy _ anObject
	! !
-------------- next part --------------
'From Cuis 6.0 [latest update: #5399] on 29 July 2022 at 1:42:26 pm'!
'Description Utility library for tracing the sending of messages.'!
!provides: 'MessageTracer' 1 22!
SystemOrganization addCategory: 'MessageTracer-Tests'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: 'MessageTracer'!

!classDefinition: #MessageTracerTestSubject category: 'MessageTracer-Tests'!
Object subclass: #MessageTracerTestSubject
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'MessageTracer-Tests'!
!classDefinition: 'MessageTracerTestSubject class' category: 'MessageTracer-Tests'!
MessageTracerTestSubject class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!classDefinition: #MessageTracer category: 'MessageTracer'!
Object subclass: #MessageTracer
	instanceVariableNames: 'outputStream tracing'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'MessageTracer'!
!classDefinition: 'MessageTracer class' category: 'MessageTracer'!
MessageTracer class
	instanceVariableNames: 'singleton'!

!classDefinition: #TracedMethodWrapper category: 'MessageTracer'!
Object subclass: #TracedMethodWrapper
	instanceVariableNames: 'compiledMethod methodClass enabled when'
	classVariableNames: 'InvocationLevel'
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'MessageTracer'!
!classDefinition: 'TracedMethodWrapper class' category: 'MessageTracer'!
TracedMethodWrapper class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!MessageTracer commentStamp: 'MM 7/29/2022 12:51:13' prior: 0!
I provide an api for tracing the sending of messages.

The message traces are sent to the Transcript.

For example, open a Transcript and evaluate:

subject _ MessageTracerTestSubject new.

subject foo.

MessageTracer trace: MessageTracerTestSubject selector: #foo.

subject foo.

MessageTracer untrace: MessageTracerTestSubject selector: #foo.

MessageTracerTestSubject trace: #add:to:.

subject add: 4 to: 5.

MessageTracerTestSubject trace: #fact:.

subject fact: 5.

MessageTracerTestSubject trace: #fib:.

subject fib: 10.

MessageTracerTestSubject untrace: #fib:.!

!MessageTracerTestSubject methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 13:33:48'!
add: x to: y

	^ x + y! !

!MessageTracerTestSubject methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 12:51:53'!

	^ 'bar'! !

!MessageTracerTestSubject methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 13:36:43'!
fact: x

	^ x = 1 ifTrue: [x]
		ifFalse: [x * (self fact: x - 1)]! !

!MessageTracerTestSubject methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 13:39:28'!
fib: x

	^ x <= 1 ifTrue: [x]
		ifFalse: [(self fib: x - 1) + (self fib: x - 2)]! !

!MessageTracerTestSubject methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 12:51:47'!
	^ 'foo'! !

!MessageTracer methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 12:35:45'!
	"Answer the value of outputStream"

	^ outputStream! !

!MessageTracer methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 12:35:45'!
outputStream: anObject
	"Set the value of outputStream"

	outputStream := anObject! !

!MessageTracer methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 13:01:41'!
trace: aClass selector: selector

	|methodWrapper compiledMethod |
	compiledMethod _ aClass compiledMethodAt: selector.
	"If breakpoint already installed, setup and enable."
	compiledMethod class isCompiledMethodClass ifFalse: [
		(compiledMethod isKindOf: TracedMethodWrapper)
			ifTrue: [
				compiledMethod when: #around; enable.
				^ self]].
	"Install a new trace wrapper"
	methodWrapper _ TracedMethodWrapper on: aClass selector: selector.
	methodWrapper		install.
	tracing add: methodWrapper! !

!MessageTracer methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 13:03:39'!
untrace: aClass selector: selector

	|compiledMethod |
	compiledMethod _ aClass compiledMethodAt: selector.
	compiledMethod class isCompiledMethodClass ifFalse: [
		(compiledMethod isKindOf: TracedMethodWrapper)
			ifTrue: [
				compiledMethod uninstall.
				tracing remove: compiledMethod.
				^ self]]! !

!MessageTracer methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 13:45:08'!
	tracing do: [:tracedMethod |
		tracedMethod uninstall].
	tracing _ OrderedCollection new! !

!MessageTracer methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 12:54:23'!
	tracing _ OrderedCollection new.
	outputStream _ Transcript! !

!MessageTracer class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 12:35:28'!
	^ self singleton outputStream! !

!MessageTracer class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 12:35:13'!
	^ singleton ifNil: [singleton _ self new]! !

!MessageTracer class methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 12:53:20'!
trace: aClass selector: aSelector

	self singleton trace: aClass selector: aSelector! !

!MessageTracer class methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 13:02:37'!
untrace: aClass selector: aSelector

	self singleton untrace: aClass selector: aSelector! !

!MessageTracer class methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 13:44:35'!
	self singleton untraceAll! !

!TracedMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 12:30:37'!
initialize: aClass selector: aSelector

	methodClass _ aClass.
	compiledMethod _ aClass compiledMethodAt: aSelector.
	enabled _ true.
	when _ #around
	! !

!TracedMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'installation' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 12:59:34'!
	enabled _ true! !

!TracedMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'installation' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 12:58:58'!
		addSelectorSilently: compiledMethod selector
		withMethod: self! !

!TracedMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'installation' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 12:59:25'!
	enabled _ enabled not! !

!TracedMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'installation' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 12:59:15'!
		addSelectorSilently: compiledMethod selector
		withMethod: compiledMethod! !

!TracedMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 12:59:42'!
	^ enabled! !

!TracedMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'implementation' stamp: 'MM 7/29/2022 12:57:46'!
	InvocationLevel _ InvocationLevel - 1.! !

!TracedMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'implementation' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 12:03:30'!
doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
	^ aMessage sendTo: compiledMethod! !

!TracedMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'implementation' stamp: 'MM 7/29/2022 13:11:57'!
	InvocationLevel _ self invocationLevel + 1.! !

!TracedMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'implementation' stamp: 'MM 7/29/2022 13:06:06'!
	^ InvocationLevel ifNil: [1]! !

!TracedMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'implementation' stamp: 'MM 7/29/2022 13:01:01'!
outputMethodEntry: aReceiver arguments: arguments
	stream _ MessageTracer outputStream.
	self printIndentation: stream.
	stream nextPutAll: 'Calling ';
			nextPutAll: aReceiver printString;
			nextPutAll: '>>';
			nextPutAll: compiledMethod selector printString;
	self printIndentation: stream.
	stream nextPutAll: '	      arguments: ';			nextPutAll: arguments printString;
			! !

!TracedMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'implementation' stamp: 'MM 7/29/2022 13:03:02'!
outputMethodExit: aReceiver result: result

	stream _ MessageTracer outputStream.
	self printIndentation: stream.
	stream nextPutAll: 'Returning from ';
			nextPutAll: aReceiver printString;
			nextPutAll: '>>';
			nextPutAll: compiledMethod selector;
	self printIndentation: stream.
	stream    	nextPutAll: '        returned: ';
			nextPutAll: result printString;
			! !

!TracedMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'implementation' stamp: 'MM 7/29/2022 13:15:36'!
printIndentation: aStream
	(self invocationLevel - 1) timesRepeat: [
		aStream nextPutAll: '  |'].! !

!TracedMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'implementation' stamp: 'MM 7/29/2022 13:41:35'!
run: aSelector with: arguments in: aReceiver 

	"Main entry point"
	| result |
	enabled ifFalse: [^ compiledMethod valueWithReceiver: aReceiver arguments: arguments].
	(#(onEntry around) includes: when) ifTrue: [
		self outputMethodEntry: aReceiver arguments: arguments].
	self increaseInvocationLevel .
	[result _ compiledMethod			valueWithReceiver: aReceiver				arguments: arguments] ensure:
		[self decreaseInvocationLevel].
	(#(onExit around) includes: when) ifTrue: [
		self outputMethodExit: aReceiver result: result].
	^ result! !

!TracedMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 12:59:50'!
	enabled _ false! !

!TracedMethodWrapper methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 13:02:08'!
when: aSymbol

	when _ aSymbol! !

!TracedMethodWrapper class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 12:03:49'!
on: aClass selector: selector
	^ self new initialize: aClass selector: selector! !

!Behavior methodsFor: '*MessageTracer' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 13:35:02'!
trace: aSelector

	MessageTracer trace: self selector: aSelector! !

!Behavior methodsFor: '*MessageTracer' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 13:40:56'!
untrace: aSelector

	MessageTracer untrace: self selector: aSelector! !
-------------- next part --------------
'From Cuis 6.0 [latest update: #5399] on 25 July 2022 at 11:16:33 pm'!
'Description '!
!provides: 'MethodAdvisers' 1 26!
SystemOrganization addCategory: 'MethodAdvisers-Tests'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: 'MethodAdvisers'!

!classDefinition: #MethodAdvisersTests category: 'MethodAdvisers-Tests'!
TestCase subclass: #MethodAdvisersTests
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'MethodAdvisers-Tests'!
!classDefinition: 'MethodAdvisersTests class' category: 'MethodAdvisers-Tests'!
MethodAdvisersTests class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!classDefinition: #MethodAdviserTestSubject category: 'MethodAdvisers-Tests'!
Object subclass: #MethodAdviserTestSubject
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'MethodAdvisers-Tests'!
!classDefinition: 'MethodAdviserTestSubject class' category: 'MethodAdvisers-Tests'!
MethodAdviserTestSubject class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!classDefinition: #AdvisedMethod category: 'MethodAdvisers'!
Object subclass: #AdvisedMethod
	instanceVariableNames: 'before after around compiledMethod methodClass'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'MethodAdvisers'!
!classDefinition: 'AdvisedMethod class' category: 'MethodAdvisers'!
AdvisedMethod class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!AdvisedMethod commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
I use the Objects as Method Wrappers facility provided by the VM to wrap compiled methods.
My entry point is my #run:with:in: method, which will be executed by the VM when I install myself in the target class's method dictionary.


MethodAdviserTestSubject after: #test1 do: [:receiver | Transcript show: 'After test1'].

MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1.

MethodAdviserTestSubject removeAllAdvice .

MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1.

MethodAdviserTestSubject after: #test1 do: [:receiver | Transcript show: 'After test1'].
MethodAdviserTestSubject after: #test1 do: [:receiver | Transcript show: 'After test1 again'].
MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1.

MethodAdviserTestSubject removeAllAdvice .

MethodAdviserTestSubject before: #test1 do: [:receiver | Transcript show: 'Before test1'].
MethodAdviserTestSubject after: #test1 do: [:receiver | Transcript show: 'After test1'].
MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1.

MethodAdviserTestSubject removeAllAdvice .
MethodAdviserTestSubject around: #test1 do: [:receiver :nextMethod |
	Transcript show: 'Start around'.
	nextMethod value.
	Transcript show: 'End around'.
	'wrapped test1'].
MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1!

!MethodAdvisersTests methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 7/25/2022 23:09:23'!

	MethodAdviserTestSubject removeAdviceFrom: #test1:.  ! !

!MethodAdvisersTests methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 7/25/2022 23:09:58'!

	| output result |
	output _ String streamContents: [:s |
		result _ MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1: s].
	self assert: output = 'test1.'.
	self assert: result = #test1.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject after:  #test1: do: [:receiver :aStream |
			aStream nextPutAll: 'after.'.
	output  _ String streamContents: [:s |		 result _ MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1: s].
	self assert: output = 'test1.after.'.
	self assert: result = #test1.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject removeAdviceFrom: #test1:.  ! !

!MethodAdvisersTests methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 7/25/2022 23:13:12'!

	| output result |
	output _ String streamContents: [:s |
		result _ MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1: s].
	self assert: output = 'test1.'.
	self assert: result = #test1.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject after:  #test1: do: [:receiver :aStream |
			aStream nextPutAll: 'after1.'.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject after:  #test1: do: [:receiver :aStream |
			aStream nextPutAll: 'after2.'.
	output  _ String streamContents: [:s |		 result _ MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1: s].
	self assert: output = 'test1.after1.after2.'.
	self assert: result = #test1.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject removeAdviceFrom: #test1:.  ! !

!MethodAdvisersTests methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 7/25/2022 23:03:56'!

	| output result |
	output _ String streamContents: [:s |
		result _ MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1: s].
	self assert: output = 'test1.'.
	self assert: result = #test1.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject around:  #test1: do: [:receiver :nextMethod :aStream |
			aStream nextPutAll: 'before around.'.
			nextMethod value.
			aStream nextPutAll: 'after around.'.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject before: #test1: do: [:receiver :aStream |
		aStream nextPutAll: 'before.'.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject after: #test1: do: [:receiver :aStream |
		aStream nextPutAll: 'after.'.

	output  _ String streamContents: [:s |		
		result _ MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1: s].
	self assert: output = 'before.before around.test1.after around.after.'.
	self assert: result = #testAround.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject removeAdviceFrom: #test1:.! !

!MethodAdvisersTests methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 7/25/2022 23:16:23'!

	| output result |
	output _ String streamContents: [:s |
		result _ MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1: s].
	self assert: output = 'test1.'.
	self assert: result = #test1.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject around:  #test1: do: [:receiver :nextMethod :aStream |
			aStream nextPutAll: 'before around1.'.
			nextMethod value.
			aStream nextPutAll: 'after around1.'.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject around:  #test1: do: [:receiver :nextMethod :aStream |
			aStream nextPutAll: 'before around2.'.
			nextMethod value.
			aStream nextPutAll: 'after around2.'.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject before: #test1: do: [:receiver :aStream |
		aStream nextPutAll: 'before1.'.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject before: #test1: do: [:receiver :aStream |
		aStream nextPutAll: 'before2.'.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject after: #test1: do: [:receiver :aStream |
		aStream nextPutAll: 'after1.'.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject after: #test1: do: [:receiver :aStream |
		aStream nextPutAll: 'after2.'.

	output  _ String streamContents: [:s |		
		result _ MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1: s].
	self assert: output = 'before2.before1.before around2.before around1.test1.after around1.after around2.after1.after2.'.
	self assert: result = #testAround2.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject removeAdviceFrom: #test1:.! !

!MethodAdvisersTests methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 7/25/2022 23:04:14'!

	| output result |
	output _ String streamContents: [:s |
		result _ MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1: s].
	self assert: output = 'test1.'.
	self assert: result = #test1.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject around:  #test1: do: [:receiver :nextMethod :aStream |
			aStream nextPutAll: 'before around.'.
			nextMethod value.
			aStream nextPutAll: 'after around.'.
	output  _ String streamContents: [:s |		
	result _ MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1: s].
	self assert: output = 'before around.test1.after around.'.
	self assert: result = #testAround.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject removeAdviceFrom: #test1:.! !

!MethodAdvisersTests methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 7/25/2022 23:10:42'!

	| output result |
	output _ String streamContents: [:s |
		result _ MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1: s].
	self assert: output = 'test1.'.
	self assert: result = #test1.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject around:  #test1: do: [:receiver :nextMethod :aStream |
			aStream nextPutAll: 'before around.'.
			nextMethod value.
			aStream nextPutAll: 'after around.'.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject around:  #test1: do: [:receiver :nextMethod :aStream |
			aStream nextPutAll: 'before around around.'.
			nextMethod value.
			aStream nextPutAll: 'after around around.'.
	output  _ String streamContents: [:s |		
	result _ MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1: s].
	self assert: output = 'before around around.before around.test1.after around.after around around.'.
	self assert: result = #testAroundAround.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject removeAdviceFrom: #test1:.! !

!MethodAdvisersTests methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 7/25/2022 23:04:44'!

	| output result |
	output _ String streamContents: [:s |
		result _ MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1: s].
	self assert: output = 'test1.'.
	self assert: result = #test1.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject before:  #test1: do: [:receiver :aStream |
			aStream nextPutAll: 'before.'.
	output  _ String streamContents: [:s |		 result _ MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1: s].
	self assert: output = 'before.test1.'.
	self assert: result = #test1.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject removeAdviceFrom: #test1:.! !

!MethodAdvisersTests methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 7/25/2022 23:10:57'!

	| output result |
	output _ String streamContents: [:s |
		result _ MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1: s].
	self assert: output = 'test1.'.
	self assert: result = #test1.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject before:  #test1: do: [:receiver :aStream |
			aStream nextPutAll: 'before.'.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject after:  #test1: do: [:receiver :aStream |
			aStream nextPutAll: 'after.'.
	output  _ String streamContents: [:s |		 result _ MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1: s].
	self assert: output = 'before.test1.after.'.
	self assert: result = #test1.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject removeAdviceFrom: #test1:.! !

!MethodAdvisersTests methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 7/25/2022 23:12:33'!

	| output result |
	output _ String streamContents: [:s |
		result _ MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1: s].
	self assert: output = 'test1.'.
	self assert: result = #test1.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject before:  #test1: do: [:receiver :aStream |
			aStream nextPutAll: 'before1.'.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject before:  #test1: do: [:receiver :aStream |
			aStream nextPutAll: 'before2.'.
	output  _ String streamContents: [:s |		 result _ MethodAdviserTestSubject new test1: s].
	self assert: output = 'before2.before1.test1.'.
	self assert: result = #test1.
	MethodAdviserTestSubject removeAdviceFrom: #test1:.! !

!MethodAdviserTestSubject methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/16/2022 21:13:04'!
	Transcript show: 'test1'.
	^ 'test1'! !

!MethodAdviserTestSubject methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 7/25/2022 22:42:36'!
test1: aStream
	aStream nextPutAll: 'test1.'.
	^ 'test1'! !

!AdvisedMethod methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/16/2022 20:33:32'!
afterDo: aBlock
	after addLast: aBlock! !

!AdvisedMethod methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 7/25/2022 22:38:45'!
aroundDo: aBlock
	around addFirst: aBlock! !

!AdvisedMethod methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/16/2022 20:33:43'!
beforeDo: aBlock
	before addFirst: aBlock! !

!AdvisedMethod methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:15:09'!
doesNotUnderstand: aMessage

	"Any message I don't understand is forwarded to the compiledMethod."
	^ aMessage sendTo: compiledMethod! !

!AdvisedMethod methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 7/25/2022 10:10:36'!
evaluate: aroundList around: aBlock with: arguments in: aReceiver

	^ aroundList isEmpty 
		ifTrue: [	aBlock value]
		ifFalse: [	|args|
			args _ (Array with: aReceiver with: [self evaluate: aroundList allButFirst around: aBlock with: arguments in: aReceiver]), arguments.
			aroundList first valueWithArguments: args]! !

!AdvisedMethod methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/16/2022 20:31:46'!
initialize: aClass selector: aSelector

	methodClass _ aClass.
	compiledMethod _ aClass compiledMethodAt: aSelector.
	after _ OrderedCollection new.
	before _ OrderedCollection new.
	around _ OrderedCollection new.! !

!AdvisedMethod methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/16/2022 19:59:33'!
		addSelectorSilently: compiledMethod selector
		withMethod: self! !

!AdvisedMethod methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/17/2022 09:19:08'!
run: aSelector with: arguments in: aReceiver 

	"Main entry point"
	| result |
	"Evaluate before blocks"
	before do: [:aBlock | aBlock valueWithArguments: ({aReceiver}, arguments)]. 
	result _ self evaluate: around 
				around: [	compiledMethod
							valueWithReceiver: aReceiver
							arguments: arguments]
				with: arguments
				in: aReceiver.
	after do: [:aBlock | aBlock valueWithArguments: ({aReceiver}, arguments)].
	^ result! !

!AdvisedMethod methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/16/2022 20:52:29'!
		addSelectorSilently: compiledMethod selector
		withMethod: compiledMethod! !

!AdvisedMethod class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/16/2022 20:26:48'!
ensureOn: aClass selector: aSelector

	| compiledMethod |
	compiledMethod _ aClass compiledMethodAt: aSelector.
	compiledMethod class isCompiledMethodClass
		ifTrue: ["The compiled method is unwrapped"
			^ (self on: aClass selector: aSelector)
		ifFalse: ["We assume this is an AdvicedMethod"
			^ compiledMethod]! !

!AdvisedMethod class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/16/2022 19:52:21'!
on: aCompiledMethod

	self assert: aCompiledMethod class isCompiledMethodClass! !

!AdvisedMethod class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/16/2022 20:00:46'!
on: aClass selector: aSelector

	^ self new initialize: aClass selector: aSelector! !

!AdvisedMethod class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/16/2022 20:53:45'!
uninstallFrom: aClass selector: aSelector

	| compiledMethod |
	compiledMethod _ aClass compiledMethodAt: aSelector.
	compiledMethod class isCompiledMethodClass
		ifTrue: [self error: 'No AdvisedMethod installed.']
		ifFalse: [compiledMethod uninstall]! !

!Behavior methodsFor: '*MethodAdvisers' stamp: 'MM 7/25/2022 22:48:27'!
after: aSelector do: aBlock
	methodAdviser _ AdvisedMethod ensureOn: self selector: aSelector.
	methodAdviser afterDo: aBlock.
	^ methodAdviser! !

!Behavior methodsFor: '*MethodAdvisers' stamp: 'MM 7/25/2022 22:48:14'!
around: aSelector do: aBlock
	methodAdviser _ AdvisedMethod ensureOn: self selector: aSelector.
	methodAdviser aroundDo: aBlock.
	^ methodAdviser! !

!Behavior methodsFor: '*MethodAdvisers' stamp: 'MM 7/25/2022 22:48:36'!
before: aSelector do: aBlock
	methodAdviser _ AdvisedMethod ensureOn: self selector: aSelector.
	methodAdviser beforeDo: aBlock.
	^ methodAdviser! !

!Behavior methodsFor: '*MethodAdvisers' stamp: 'MM 6/16/2022 21:23:20'!
removeAdviceFrom: aSelector
	| compiledMethod |
	compiledMethod _ self compiledMethodAt: aSelector.
	(compiledMethod isKindOf: AdvisedMethod) 
		ifTrue: [compiledMethod uninstall]! !

!Behavior methodsFor: '*MethodAdvisers' stamp: 'MM 6/16/2022 21:04:48'!

	methodDict values do: [:compiledMethod |
		compiledMethod class isCompiledMethodClass ifFalse: [
			(compiledMethod isKindOf: AdvisedMethod) ifTrue: [
				compiledMethod uninstall]]]! !

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