[Cuis-dev] Some experimental libraries based on method wrappers

Mariano Montone marianomontone at gmail.com
Fri Jun 17 12:41:57 PDT 2022


I've been looking at CodeCoverage package by Nicolas Papagna (it is 
excellently written btw), to try to understand how it worked, in 
particular the method wrapping.

Once I learned how they are implemented, I got the idea of trying some 
experiments with them.

So I'm implementing three packages: MethodAdvisers, BreakpointsManager 
and MessageTracer.


MethodAdvisers implements before/after/around "advice" methods.

This is available for example in Emacs: 

The idea is to modify the semantics of some method "from the outside", 
evaluating things before, after or around the method.

This is an example of how it looks atm:

MyClass after: #someMethod do: [:receiver | Transcript show: 'After some 

I'm also experimenting with using them for extending Erudite grammar via 

     EruditeMarkupGrammar around: #markup
         do: [:nextMethod | nextMethod value / self umlParser]

This is on the "dangerous" side and should not be abused, but I think 
can be useful for particular cases where nothing else will do.



BreakpointsManager uses method wrappers for installing breakpoints.

List, enable, disable, toggle breakpoints.

Looks like this:

SomeClass setBreakOnEntry: #myMethod.
BreakpointsManager disableAllBreakpoints.
BreakpointsManager enableAllBreakpoints.
BreakpointsManager toggleAllBreakpoints.
BreakpointsManager uninstallAll.

Big downside is that the debugger opens on the method wrapper source, 
not the real method. I wish that could be solved.



MessageTracer uses method wrappers for tracing calls to methods.

Looks like this:

MessageTracerTestSubject trace: #fact:.

And the call trace (with arguments and return values) are printed to the 

Calling a MessageTracerTestSubject>>#fact:
           arguments: #(5)
Calling a MessageTracerTestSubject>>#fact:
           arguments: #(4)
Calling a MessageTracerTestSubject>>#fact:
           arguments: #(3)
Calling a MessageTracerTestSubject>>#fact:
           arguments: #(2)
Calling a MessageTracerTestSubject>>#fact:
           arguments: #(1)
Returning from a MessageTracerTestSubject>>fact:
         returned: 1
Returning from a MessageTracerTestSubject>>fact:
         returned: 2
Returning from a MessageTracerTestSubject>>fact:
         returned: 6
Returning from a MessageTracerTestSubject>>fact:
         returned: 24
Returning from a MessageTracerTestSubject>>fact:
         returned: 120


These are all very much in the making, with missing things, tests, and 
tools that would be cool to add; but I think they have potential to be a 
good set of utilities.



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