[Cuis-dev] PreferenceNG integration in the image
Hilaire Fernandes
hilaire at drgeo.eu
Sun May 8 02:33:03 PDT 2022
Hi Juan & al.,
I need to distract you from your current occupation and to take a look
at the PreferenceNG implementation.
The implementation of PreferenceNG is mostly done. Only the FileList
preference needs some attention but it can be done later.
Its model was collaboratively designed, but I took alone decision on
implementation details, so it may need some review.
I can sum up a few key points:
* The expected way to access a preference is PreferenceNG at:
#guiElementsSize. One can use PreferenceNG guiElementsSize but it
will go through a DNU so not really optimal. There is no
added-preference-accessor-on-the-fly as in the legacy Preference
system, it makes the class ridiculously verbose. External package
will need to adjust the way to access a preference. When the
preference type is a BlockClosure without argument, #value returns
the value of the block.
* The Preference really focus on storing preference data. Behavior
have to be somewhere else or implemented as event handler when a
preference value is changed.
* There is no parameter any more, it is preference too.
* To create/edit and record a preference:
o PreferenceNG name: nameSymbol description: aString category:
categorySymbol type: aType value: aValue
o PreferenceNG name: nameSymbol category: categorySymbol value:
aValue (the type is then auto-detected)
o the preference is auto-kept
o when the user creates an existing preference, it will update all
its attributes but its type and returns it
o To just edit a preference value, the counter part is
PreferenceNG at: #guiElementsSize put: #smallFonts
* the method category 'data' contains most of the default preferences,
there are all instantiated at the initialization of the class, see
'class initialization' category. I extended the data array with two
optional data: type (can be nil for auto-detect) and eventHandler.
The later will make PreferenceNG to listen to the #preferenceChanged
event of this preference. This is needed for a few Cuis preferences
(font change, etc), check the method category 'event handlers'. The
data are spread in 4 categories and methods #font #gui #programming
and #system
* A preference defined as a computation of other preferences is
implemented as BlockClosure type. I can't integrate them in the data
array, otherwise I will have to use dynamic array. As for now, there
are instantiated in their own methods in 'class initialization'.
* Preferences can be saved individually, by category or all. When
loaded, it merges with existing preference if necessary
I strongly encourage you and other to take a look at the implementation
of the points I emphasized above.
For the integration of the class, once we have settled down its
implementation, I propose you add the class as is, then I will integrate
its use by switching the use of Preferences to PreferenceNG. I will
proceed one preference category at a time and send you the associated
change set. It will give use the time to do it slowly step by step. Once
all the integration is done, with appropriate testing, we can remove the
Preferences and Preference classes, then rename PreferenceNG to
Preference or Preferences. The latter name will give some level of
compatibility for external package accessing preferences, but it will
install the bad behavior of accessing preference value by unary message
Thanks to read until here this long message
GNU Dr. Geo
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'From Cuis 6.0 [latest update: #5113] on 8 May 2022 at 10:44:41 am'!
!classDefinition: #PreferenceNG category: #'System-Support'!
Object subclass: #PreferenceNG
instanceVariableNames: 'name description category value type'
classVariableNames: 'ThePreferences'
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'System-Support'!
!PreferenceNG commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
My instance is a Preference whose value is of a given class (type), or follow the description of the type instance
- name, category: symbol
- description: string
- type: a class (Boolean, String, Color, BlockClosure, etc.) or an instance (collection, intervale, etc.)
- value: an object whose class match type or the instance description of the type
Modus Operendi
- To create a Preference, invoke the instance creation class method (Preference name:description:category:type:value:). The new preference is automatically remembered. If a preference with same name already exist, its instance is updated with the new provided data and its instance returned.
- To access, invoke as dictionary (Preference at: #biggerCursors), a short cut exist (Preference biggerCursors)
- When a preference value is changed with its #value message, an event #preferenceChanged is triggered.
- Tools can listen to a specific #preferenceChanged event:
(Preference instanceAt: #guiElementSize) when: #preferenceChanged send: #shakeScreen: to: myTool
By default the Preference class listen to a few event to adjust the behavior of the image to some preference changes.
!PreferenceNG methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'hlsf 5/5/2022 12:31:23'!
printOn: aStream
aStream nextPutAll: self class name ;
nextPutAll: ' (#';
nextPutAll: name ;
nextPutAll: ' = ';
nextPutAll: type printString;
nextPutAll: '::';
nextPutAll: value printString;
nextPut: $)! !
!PreferenceNG methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'hlsf 5/5/2022 12:21:27'!
name: nameSymbol description: aString category: categorySymbol type: aType value: aValue
name _ nameSymbol.
description _ aString.
category _ categorySymbol.
type _ aType ifNotNil: [aType] ifNil: [self class detectType: aValue ].
value _ aValue! !
!PreferenceNG methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 14:25:45'!
^ category ! !
!PreferenceNG methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 5/2/2022 22:19:11'!
category: aSymbol
aSymbol isNil ifFalse: [category _ aSymbol ]! !
!PreferenceNG methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 14:25:57'!
^ description! !
!PreferenceNG methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 5/2/2022 22:18:30'!
description: aString
aString isEmptyOrNil ifFalse: [description _ aString ]! !
!PreferenceNG methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 14:26:02'!
^ name! !
!PreferenceNG methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 5/4/2022 23:32:57'!
^ type! !
!PreferenceNG methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 5/3/2022 21:16:04'!
" If my type is closure without argument, return my value "
^ (type == BlockClosure and: [value argumentCount = 0])
ifTrue: [value value]
ifFalse: [value]
! !
!PreferenceNG methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 5/3/2022 20:54:17'!
value: aValue
type class class == Metaclass "type is a Class"
ifTrue: [
(aValue isKindOf: type) ifFalse: [self error: aValue printString, ' is not a ', type printString].
value _ aValue .
ifFalse: [ "Should be handled somehow by the preference editor "
value _ aValue].
self triggerEvent: #preferenceChanged with: self! !
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!
!classDefinition: 'PreferenceNG class' category: #'System-Support'!
PreferenceNG class
instanceVariableNames: ''!
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 21:11:22'!
^ ThePreferences
! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 22:21:36'!
at: symbolName
^ (self instanceAt: symbolName) value! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 5/3/2022 20:47:15'!
at: symbolName put: aValue
| myPref |
myPref _ self instanceAt: symbolName.
myPref value: aValue! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 14:28:57'!
| categories |
categories _ Set new.
ThePreferences values do: [:aPreference | categories add: aPreference category].
^ categories sorted! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 22:19:26'!
instanceAt: symbolName
^ ThePreferences at: symbolName ifAbsent: [self error: 'Unknown preference ', symbolName ]! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 14:29:56'!
select: aCategory
" I select the preferences of the given category "
^ ThePreferences values select: [:aPreference | aPreference category == aCategory ]! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'hlsf 5/3/2022 19:16:59'!
name: nameSymbol category: categorySymbol value: aValue
self name: nameSymbol description: nil category: categorySymbol type: nil value: aValue
! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'hlsf 5/3/2022 19:59:49'!
name: nameSymbol description: aString category: categorySymbol type: aType value: aValue
"If I exist, I am updated with the newer sent data "
(nameSymbol isSymbol or: [categorySymbol isSymbol]) ifFalse:
[self error: 'Preference Name & Category are not valid symbol.'].
^ ThePreferences
at: nameSymbol
ifPresent: [:thePref |
description: aString;
category: categorySymbol;
value: aValue;
ifAbsent: [ | newPref |
newPref _ self new ::
name: nameSymbol
description: aString
category: categorySymbol
type: aType
value: aValue.
ThePreferences at: nameSymbol put: newPref ].
! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'error handling' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 22:20:35'!
doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
aMessage hasArguments ifTrue: [^ super doesNotUnderstand: aMessage].
^ self at: aMessage selector! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'hlsf 5/7/2022 18:06:54'!
ThePreferences _ Dictionary new.
#(gui font programming system) do: [: category |
(self perform: (#pref, category capitalized) asSymbol) do: [:aPrefArray |
self installDefault: aPrefArray in: category] ].
self installHaloPreferencesWith: self iconicHaloSpecifications.
self installMiscPreferences ! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'hlsf 5/7/2022 00:47:32'!
installDefault: anArray in: category
" Description of preference in Array: name - value - type (optional) - event handler (optional) "
| myPref |
myPref _ PreferenceNG name: anArray first description: '' category: category
type: (anArray at: 3 ifAbsent: [self detectType: anArray second]) value: anArray second.
anArray size = 4 ifTrue: [ "fourth record is an event listener hooked to Preference"
myPref when: #preferenceChanged send: anArray fourth to: PreferenceNG.
myPref triggerEvent: #preferenceChanged with: myPref]
! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'hlsf 5/4/2022 16:10:52'!
installHaloPreferencesWith: anArray
| aColor |
^ PreferenceNG
name: #haloSpecifications
description: 'Halo specifications describing which halos are to be used, what they should look like, and where they should be situated'
category: #gui
type: Array
value: (anArray collect: [ :each |
aColor _ Color.
each fourth do: [ :sel | aColor _ aColor perform: sel].
HaloSpec new
horizontalPlacement: each second
verticalPlacement: each third
color: aColor
iconSymbol: each fifth
addHandleSelector: each first
hoverHelp: each sixth])! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'hlsf 5/6/2022 23:09:17'!
" Preference value defined with closure. We could insert in a dynamic array...
Preference with event handler "
name: #haloHandleSize category: #gui
value: [(PreferenceNG at: #standardListFont) pointSize * 5 // 3 max: 16].
name: #roundedButtonsRadius category: #gui
value: [(PreferenceNG at: #standardListFont) pointSize * 8 // 14].
name: #roundedWindowRadius category: #gui value: [(PreferenceNG at: #standardListFont) pointSize].
name: #scrollbarThickness category: #gui value: [(PreferenceNG at: #windowTitleFont) pointSize + 2].
PreferenceNG name: #classFinder category: #programming value: [ BrowserWindow findClass ].
PreferenceNG name: #defaultAuthorName category: #programming value: [Utilities authorName].! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'fileIn/Out' stamp: 'hlsf 5/6/2022 11:42:57'!
loadFrom: aFileEntry
" Load all preferences from file, update the existing preferences with the data from file "
(SmartRefStream restoreFromFile: aFileEntry) do: [:aPref |
name: aPref name
description: aPref description
category: aPref category
type: aPref type
value: (aPref instVarNamed: #value) " We want the raw value "]! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'fileIn/Out' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 22:20:56'!
save: nameSymbol to: aFileEntry
" Save one preference to a file, even for a sole preference we save in a Dictionary"
| myPref |
myPref _ self instanceAt: nameSymbol.
dumpOnFile: aFileEntry
object: {myPref name -> myPref} asDictionary! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'fileIn/Out' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 21:58:19'!
saveAllTo: aFileEntry
" Save all the preferences to a file "
SmartRefStream dumpOnFile: aFileEntry object: ThePreferences! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'fileIn/Out' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 21:57:59'!
saveCategory: categorySymbol to: aFileEntry
| myPref |
myPref _ self select: categorySymbol.
dumpOnFile: aFileEntry
object: (myPref collect: [:aPref | aPref name -> aPref ]) asDictionary! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'helpers' stamp: 'hlsf 5/5/2022 12:21:56'!
detectType: anObject
"When the type is not provided, we can try to deduce it "
^ anObject class
caseOf: {
[True] -> [Boolean].
[False] -> [Boolean].
otherwise: [anObject class]
! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'data' stamp: 'hlsf 5/6/2022 23:07:40'!
"Answer an array that characterizes the locations, colors, icons, and selectors of the halo handles
that may be used in the iconic halo scheme"
^ #( "selector horiz vert color info icon key"
(addDismissHandle: left top (red) haloDismissIcon 'Remove')
(addMenuHandle: leftCenter top (blue lighter) haloMenuIcon 'Menu')
(addGrabHandle: center top (black) haloGrabIcon 'Pick up')
(addDragHandle: rightCenter top (brown) haloDragIcon 'Move')
(addDupHandle: right top (green) haloDuplicateIcon 'Duplicate')
(addExploreHandle: left topCenter (orange) haloDebugIcon 'Explore')
(addDebugHandle: right topCenter (orange) haloDebugIcon 'Debug')
(addCollapseHandle: left center (tan) haloCollapseIcon 'Collapse')
(addScaleHandle: right center (blue) haloScaleIcon 'Change scale')
(addRotateHandle: left bottom (blue) haloRotateIcon 'Rotate')
(addHelpHandle: center bottom (lightBlue) haloHelpIcon 'Help')
(addResizeHandle: right bottom (yellow) haloResizeIcon 'Change size')
"FIXME - Currently non-functional...
(addRecolorHandle: right bottomCenter (magenta darker) haloColorIcon 'Change color') "
)! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'data' stamp: 'hlsf 5/7/2022 17:54:36'!
^ #(
#(drawKeyboardFocusIndicator true )
#(balloonHelpEnabled true )
#(biggerCursors false )
#(browseWithPrettyPrint false )
#(caseSensitiveFinds false )
#(checkForSlips true )
#(cmdDotEnabled true )
#(diffsInChangeList true )
#(diffsWithPrettyPrint false )
#(menuKeyboardControl true )
#(optionalButtons true )
#(extraDebuggerButtons true )
#(subPixelRenderFonts true )
#(thoroughSenders true )
#(cheapWindowReframe false )
#(syntaxHighlightingAsYouType true )
#(tapAndHoldEmulatesButton2 true )
#(clickGrabsMorphs false )
#(syntaxHighlightingAsYouTypeAnsiAssignment false )
#(syntaxHighlightingAsYouTypeLeftArrowAssignment false )
#(wantsMenuIcons true )
)! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'data' stamp: 'hlsf 5/7/2022 17:54:24'!
^ #(
(drawKeyboardFocusIndicator false )
(balloonHelpEnabled false)
(browseWithPrettyPrint false)
(caseSensitiveFinds true)
(checkForSlips false)
(cmdDotEnabled true)
(diffsInChangeList true)
(diffsWithPrettyPrint false)
(menuKeyboardControl false)
(optionalButtons false)
(subPixelRenderFonts true)
(thoroughSenders true)
(cheapWindowReframe true)
(syntaxHighlightingAsYouType false)
(tapAndHoldEmulatesButton2 false)
(clickGrabsMorphs true)
(wantsMenuIcons false )
(methodAnnotations #(timeStamp messageCategory packages changeSets) )
(classAnnotations #(instanceMethodsCount classMethodsCount) )
(systemCategoryAnnotations #(classCount instanceMethodsCount classMethodsCount) )
)! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'data' stamp: 'hlsf 5/7/2022 17:54:51'!
^ #(
(drawKeyboardFocusIndicator false )
(balloonHelpEnabled false)
(browseWithPrettyPrint false)
(caseSensitiveFinds true)
(checkForSlips false)
(cmdDotEnabled true)
(diffsInChangeList true)
(diffsWithPrettyPrint false)
(menuKeyboardControl false)
(optionalButtons false)
(subPixelRenderFonts true)
(thoroughSenders true)
(cheapWindowReframe true)
(syntaxHighlightingAsYouType false)
(tapAndHoldEmulatesButton2 false)
(clickGrabsMorphs true)
(wantsMenuIcons false )
)! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'data' stamp: 'hlsf 5/7/2022 17:57:18'!
^ #(
#(aaFontsColormapDepth 4)
#(cacheTrueTypeGlyphs true )
#(guiElementsSize standardFonts #(tinyFonts verySmallFonts smallFonts standardFonts largeFonts veryLargeFonts hugeFonts) defaultFontSize: )
#(loadOnlyLatinGlyphData true )
#(properDisplayAlphaForFonts false )
#(subPixelRenderColorFonts true )
)! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'data' stamp: 'hlsf 5/7/2022 17:53:40'!
^ #(
#(balloonHelpEnabled true )
#(biggerCursors false )
#(cacheDisplayContentWhenMovingMorphs true )
#(cheapWindowReframe false )
#(clickGrabsMorphs false )
#(ctrlArrowsScrollHorizontally false )
#(drawKeyboardFocusIndicator true )
#(focusFollowsMouse true )
#(focusIndicatorWidth 1)
#(fullScreenLeavesDeskMargins true )
#(haloEnclosesFullBounds true )
#(halosShowCoordinateSystem true )
#(menuKeyboardControl true )
#(optionalButtons true )
#(selectiveHalos true )
#(subPixelRenderFonts true )
#(tapAndHoldEmulatesButton2 true )
#(tileResizerInWindowMenu true )
#(wantsMenuIcons true )
)! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'data' stamp: 'hlsf 5/7/2022 17:53:54'!
^ #(
#(allowBlockArgumentAssignment false )
#(alternativeBrowseIt false )
#(assignmentGlyphSelector useLeftArrow #(useLeftArrow useAlwaysLeftArrow) assignmentGlyph: )
#(backgroundColorFillsAllBackground true )
#(browseWithPrettyPrint false )
#(classAnnotations #(instanceMethodsCount classMethodsCount linesOfCode) )
#(debugHaloHandle true )
#(debugLogTimestamp true )
#(debugShowDamage false )
#(decorateBrowserButtons true )
#(diffsInChangeList true )
#(diffsWithPrettyPrint false )
#(extraDebuggerButtons true )
#(fullPrintItInWorkspaces false )
#(highlightBlockNesting true )
#(italicsInShout true)
#(leftArrowAssignmentsInGeneratedCode false )
#(listClassesHierarchically true )
#(logDebuggerStackToFile false )
#(methodAnnotations #(timeStamp linesOfCode messageCategory implementorsCount sendersCount packages changeSets) )
#(prettyPrintRectangularBlocks false )
#(shiftClickShowsImplementors false )
#(shoutInWorkspaces true )
#(showAnnotations true )
#(showLinesInHierarchyViews true )
#(stylingWithEmphasisInWorkspaces false )
#(systemCategoryAnnotations #(classCount instanceMethodsCount classMethodsCount linesOfCode) )
#(syntaxHighlightingAsYouType true )
#(syntaxHighlightingAsYouTypeAnsiAssignment false )
#(syntaxHighlightingAsYouTypeLeftArrowAssignment false )
#(thoroughSenders true )
)! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'data' stamp: 'hlsf 5/7/2022 18:15:12'!
^ #( #(allowNonLocalReturnsInExceptionHandlers true )
#(askConfirmationOnQuit true )
#(askToInstallComplexPackage true )
#(automaticPlatformSettings true )
#(autoNumberUserChanges false )
#(caseSensitiveFinds false )
#(changeSetVersionNumbers true )
#(checkForSlips true )
#(checkLostChangesOnStartUp false )
#(cmdDotEnabled true )
#(cmdDotInterruptTakesStatistics false )
#(dismissAllOnOptionClose false )
#(initialFileListDirectories #roots #(root image vm current) )
#(machine default #(default slow smalltalk80) machine: )
#(pointer mouse #(touch mouse) pointer:)
#(selectionsMayShrink true )
#(serverMode false )
#(systemWindowEmbedOK false )
#(transcriptLogVerbose true )
#(userChangeFileNameExtension '.user.changes' )
#(warnAboutNonLocalReturnsInExceptionHandlers false )
#(warnIfNoChangesFile true )
#(warnIfNoSourcesFile true )
)! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'event handlers' stamp: 'hlsf 5/7/2022 00:41:45'!
assignmentGlyph: assignmentPref
" #assignmentGliphSelector changed "
AbstractFont withAllSubclassesDo: [ :fontClass | fontClass assignmentGlyphSelectorPreferenceChanged ]! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'event handlers' stamp: 'hlsf 5/7/2022 00:41:12'!
defaultFontSize: guiElementSizePref
" #guiElementSize changed "
| font titleFont pointSize |
pointSize _ self fontSizes at: guiElementSizePref value.
font _ FontFamily familyName: FontFamily defaultFamilyName pointSize: pointSize.
PreferenceNG name: #standardListFont category: #font value: font.
PreferenceNG name: #standardMenuFont category: #font value: font.
PreferenceNG name: #standardCodeFont category: #font value: font.
PreferenceNG name: #standardButtonFont category: #font value: font.
FontFamily defaultFamilyName: font familyName defaultPointSize: pointSize.
titleFont _ FontFamily familyName: FontFamily defaultFamilyName pointSize: pointSize * 12//10.
PreferenceNG name: #windowTitleFont category: #font value: titleFont.
MorphicCanvas allSubclassesDo: [ :c| c guiSizePreferenceChanged ].
UISupervisor ui ifNotNil: [ :w | w fontPreferenceChanged ].
PreferenceNG at: #biggerCursors put: (pointSize > 14).
Cursor defaultCursor activateCursor.
^font! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'event handlers' stamp: 'hlsf 5/7/2022 18:08:45'!
machine: machinePref
" Update the preferences for this kind of machine (#default, #slow or #smalltalk80) "
| prefArray |
prefArray _ self perform: (#machine, machinePref value capitalized) asSymbol.
prefArray do: [:array | PreferenceNG at: array first put: array second].
machinePref value == #slow ifTrue: [ self runningWorld backgroundImageData: nil]
! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'event handlers' stamp: 'hlsf 5/7/2022 01:09:27'!
menuIcon: wantsMenuIconsPref
Theme current class beCurrent! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'event handlers' stamp: 'hlsf 5/7/2022 17:43:12'!
pointer: pointerPref
| enabled |
enabled _ pointerPref value == #touch.
#(tapAndHoldEmulatesButton2 clickGrabsMorphs) do: [:aPref | PreferenceNG at: aPref put: enabled]! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'fonts' stamp: 'hlsf 5/3/2022 18:58:38'!
^ `{
#tinyFonts -> 7 .
#verySmallFonts -> 9 .
#smallFonts ->11 .
#standardFonts -> 14 .
#largeFonts -> 18 .
#veryLargeFonts -> 24 .
#hugeFonts -> 32} asDictionary`
! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'fonts' stamp: 'hlsf 5/3/2022 19:38:13'!
setDefaultFont: aFontName
"Change the font on the whole system without changing point sizes."
FontFamily defaultFamilyName: aFontName.
setDefaultFont: FontFamily defaultFamilyName
spec: {
{#standardListFont. (PreferenceNG at: #standardListFont) pointSize.}.
{#standardMenuFont. (PreferenceNG at: #standardMenuFont) pointSize.}.
{#windowTitleFont. (PreferenceNG at: #windowTitleFont) pointSize.}.
{#standardCodeFont. (PreferenceNG at: #standardCodeFont) pointSize.}.
{#standardButtonFont. (PreferenceNG at: #standardButtonFont) pointSize.}.
MorphicCanvas allSubclassesDo: [ :c| c guiSizePreferenceChanged ].
UISupervisor ui ifNotNil: [ :w | w fontPreferenceChanged ].! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'fonts' stamp: 'hlsf 5/3/2022 19:39:30'!
setDefaultFont: fontFamilyName spec: defaultFontsSpec
| font |
defaultFontsSpec do: [ :triplet |
font _ FontFamily familyName: fontFamilyName pointSize: triplet second.
font ifNil: [ font _ FontFamily defaultFamilyAndPointSize ].
triplet size > 2 ifTrue: [ font _ font emphasized: triplet third ].
PreferenceNG at: triplet first put: font ].
MorphicCanvas allSubclassesDo: [ :c| c guiSizePreferenceChanged ].
UISupervisor ui ifNotNil: [ :w | w fontPreferenceChanged ].! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'obsolete' stamp: 'hlsf 5/4/2022 14:56:05'!
"I have project to get rid of this one"
^ 'World' ! !
!PreferenceNG class methodsFor: 'obsolete' stamp: 'hlsf 4/30/2022 14:39:32'!
"Import the preferences from the old system"
Preferences preferencesDictionary valuesDo: [:oldPref |
name: oldPref name
description: (oldPref instVarNamed: #helpString)
category: (oldPref instVarNamed: #categoryList) first
type: Object
value: oldPref preferenceValue
]! !
PreferenceNG initialize!
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