[Cuis-dev] White VM window

Hilaire Fernandes hfern at free.fr
Thu Sep 8 01:30:41 PDT 2022

Le 07/09/2022 à 17:21, Juan Vuletich a écrit :
> Yes. Most likely. I think your image build code could perhaps do at 
> the end something like `UISupervisor whenUIinSafeState: [ save the 
> image and quit ]`. If that is queued after the initialize, the 
> initialize should be done prior to saving, and it should work OK.
> Hope this helps.

Hi Juan,

No it does not help. Still same error.

VectorCanvas class is not initialized during the build of the DrGeo 
image. Only when it is runned again.

 From my understanding, when looking at VectorCanvas class>>initialize, 
the UI is never in a safe state so the  UISupervisor whenUIinSafeState: 
[] bloc argument is not executed.

It likely comes from the way I build the image which is:

1. Start VM with a stock image and an installation script

    squeak Cuis.image -s installation-script.st

2. Installation script is simple as:

    Feature require: '../src/DrGeo.pck.st'.
    (Smalltalk at: #DrGeoSystem) perform: #install.
    UISupervisor whenUIinSafeState: [Smalltalk saveAndQuit].

What is strange is: in my script the UISupervisor whenUIinSafeState: 
[Smalltalk saveAndQuit] is executed but not the one in VectorCanvas 

Juan suggested I should build the image in the Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev 
directory. I wanted to avoid that to properly separate, but I will try 
that now.


GNU Dr. Geo
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