[Cuis-dev] TrueType font import problems

Bernhard Pieber bernhard at pieber.com
Sun Aug 27 01:23:41 PDT 2023

Here is a slightly improved version.

> Am 26.08.2023 um 20:59 schrieb Bernhard Pieber via Cuis-dev <cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st>:
> Hi everyone,
> I tried importing a TrueType font I had on my system (Optima.ttc). I copied the file to a new folder named Fonts and used the following:
> TrueTypeFontFamily readAllTrueTypeFontsIn: DirectoryEntry currentDirectory / 'Fonts'
> This resulted in the error "This TTF Collection has an unsupported header version“ in TTFontReader>>#readTTCFontFrom:.
> The reason is that the font uses a TTC Header Version 2.0, see:
> https://docs.fileformat.com/font/ttc/
> I changed the code to allow both header versions. If I understand the difference between version 1 and 2 of the header formats correctly, this should be a safe change. Installing the font worked with this change.
> However, instead of Optima Regular it used Optima ExtraBlack when I selected Optima as the font. I found no way to select Optimal Regular as the font style.
> Optima.ttc contains five styles:
> Optima Regular
> Optima Italic
> Optima Bold
> Optima Bold Italic
> Optima ExtraBlack
> The code for importing the TTC file imports all 5 styles:
> TTFontReader readTTCFrom: (DirectoryEntry currentDirectory / 'Fonts' // 'Optima.ttc') binaryContents.
> However, only 4 of those 5 are saved in the font family:
> TrueTypeFontFamily availableFamilies at: 'Optima'
> There seems to be a restriction TrueTypeFontFamily that there can only be one font variant per TextEmphasis combination.
> As a workaround I changed TTFontDescription>>#emphasis to identify Black as Bold. Now Optima Regular is used as default. However, I cannot use Optima Bold now.
> I attach the ChangeSet with the fix and the workaround.
> Given that we use only TrueType fonts now, I think the best solution would be to remove bold an italic from TextEmphasis and use the all variants of the TrueType font families instead.
> By the way, is there a package with a nice font viewer?
> Cheers,
> Bernhard
> --
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