[Cuis-dev] Problem with SystemVersion current version not found

Barry Perryman barry.perryman at gmail.com
Thu Dec 14 02:39:37 PST 2023

I’m not 100% sure on how to do this, so excuse me if I get this wrong.

Attached is a change set for WebClient. I’ve changed the request for the version to versionString - I’ve tried it out and it seems to work without falling over.

To reproduce the problem remove the packages.json, ../Cuis-Smalltalk-Tools/Tools/PackageDownloader/packages.json,  start an image with the latest changes and then open a Package Downloader. When it prompts to download the package list select yes and you will get a MessageNotUnderstood for SystemVersion >> version - this change should fix this problem.



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> On 12 Dec 2023, at 21:19, Barry Perryman <barry.perryman at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi after a brief hiatus I’m back playing with cuis.
> I’ve hit a small issue downloading a package. Everything is up to date with GitHub, but I’ve noticed that when trying to download & install a package, using the tools, I’m getting an error which indicates
> 	SystemVersion >> version not found.
> The back trace shows that the message to current SystemVersion is being sent from WebClient >> defaultUserAgent.
> I can see there have been a number of changes to SystemVersion and it looks like, assuming I’m reading the .cs.st file correctly, this was removed in 6105.
> I’m not sure if it should be put back, or if the WebClient needs updating.
> Just thought I’d report it.
> Barry

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