[Cuis-dev] [Ann] First sketch of Cuis 6.1 release - Please REVIEW and TEST!

Juan Vuletich juan at cuis.st
Fri Dec 22 04:33:09 PST 2023

Hi Luciano,

> Juan, thanks for doing this, it will make it much easier for people to 
> try Cuis or any of our projects in Cuis.


> I didn’t test the experiments yet, I’ll test it today and see if I 
> have any comments. Right now I just want to agree with Gerald that 
> UserPrefs.txt seems to need some more thought. The name of the file 
> could be better, but I’m not even sure we really need a configuration 
> file, perhaps we could use a startup script for forcing preferences on 
> any image loaded instead of a configuration file.

Please check the mail I've just sent answering Gerald, and the comments 
on preferences at the beginning of the message. I'm trying ti give 
novices and casual users a good experience, with a minimum of 'WAT 
moments'. We need to make it better if possible, but tweaking a startup 
script is in 'Experts' territory...


Juan Vuletich

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