[Cuis-dev] [Ann] First sketch of Cuis 6.1 release - Please REVIEW and TEST!

Juan Vuletich juan at cuis.st
Sat Dec 30 03:24:04 PST 2023

Hi Doug,

On 12/29/2023 8:05 PM, Douglas Brebner via Cuis-dev wrote:
> On 29/12/2023 17:56, Juan Vuletich via Cuis-dev wrote:
>> Hi Hilaire,
>> Thanks for your comments.
>> One possible point is that the needs of end users using an app may 
>> not be the same those of developers using a Smalltalk system.
>> In any case, I'm building the Cuis 6.2 release today. I hope 
>> everybody gets the chance to try it. May be many find it is a 
>> reasonable solution. More on this later today.
> Just a note that my older images that I keep updated really don't like 
> the renamed sources file.

Oh, I didn't realize this would happen, but of course it does. BTW, it 
is not that the name changed, the contents are completely different: The 
new one has the latest, current version of everything that was both in 
the old .sources and .changes. It is not just a matter of file names.

I saw your message last night, and gave this a bit of thought. I'm 
afraid I haven't found a really good solution.

Something I can do for the next version bump (it is too late for 6.2 / 
6.3 already) is to use a marker changeset, and warn the user. Or perhaps 
even do the sources rewrite when installing it, if the user proceeds.

But, for your situation, the only idea that comes to my mind is to ask 
you to copy back CuisV6.sources. Apologies for the inconvenience.


Juan Vuletich

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